rick is fukked up mentally, he doesn't trust anyone who he wasn't already with
darly leaving, glen being disobedient, death of oscar, michonne taking off and lying and not telling them she knew andrea, his wife's death, him killin his best friend, having to raise a baby inside a funky prison, supplies potentially running out, an entire town looking for them and ready to murder them all and take over the place they call home
he's losing his mind as leader, making terrible decisions. He should of put merle on a short leash and had darlye be responsible for him. He should of had michonne straight up pledge her allegiance or at least stand and fight when she is healthy for the team, he should most DEFINATELY done as tyreese suggested and let them stay even if it ment them being locked up. Tyreese, merle, michonne, and darly alone probably could merk half of the town. Add Gangbang Glen, Maggie, killa carl, and rick and you murder that whole town.