Official The Expanse Thread

Apr 3, 2014
The GoT comparisons were always retarded, it never tried to "entertain" its audience like that. For better or worse it's a show that has tried to do its source material as much justice as possible, and it has succeeded in doing that the vast majority of the time.

I didn't think the GOT comparisons were valid at first but now that the series is over, OP should go on ahead and add that whole "GOT in space" back to the title of this thread.

The Expanse and GOT are at their core very similar shows. And what's incredible is how The Expanse fixes everything that GOT got wrong.
Apr 3, 2014
I'm back in s5 brehs. :mjlit:

I can't wait for Holden and that sassy Marco Inarus to have words :wow:

but tell me, brehs.

Is Inarus still sassy in s6 like he was in s5? :francis:

I was kinda hoping for Holden Snow and Sassy Marco to throw hands in person but im glad they did it this way.

They hated each others guts (well Marco hated Holden more than Holden hated him :mjlol:) and they had never even met. Had one brief 30 second convo.

That's how real war is. Folks hating someone and wanting them dead when they don't even know the person.

Reminds me of what Amos said in the season when they first go inside the ring, and Ashford is sending goons after them and the pastor lady asks Amos what he's going to do. And he says he's going to kill Ashford if he can. And she's like "why do you hate him so much?"

And Amos says, "I dont hate him. I've never even met him.:ld:"
Apr 3, 2014
There's a deeper connection here. One of the two writers of the novels, and producer/main writer of the show, was a personal assistant to George RR Martin for years. Specifically during the time GoT got picked up as a show.

He has a podcast with Wes Chatham (actor who plays Amos) and has mentioned multiple times that his main takeaway/learning directly from George RR was to maintain ownership of the story.

Link to the podcast?

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
The Expanse creators dig into a series ending still full of mystery

And a thing I’ve always appreciated about the show and its lore is how the protomolecule is still so unknowable. Was it important to keep it that way?

Franck: I’ve always felt like detailed explanations of the unknowable are either bad or annoying, because the story goes “here’s this dramatically unknowable thing,” and then the reader or the viewer invokes some image in their head — you’ll never be the thing that they’ve imagined. And so when you try to do that, either you’re disappointing, or just bad?

The reality is we’re still struggling to figure out the big questions about the universe. So any answer you give that asserts completeness is usually a lie. And so it’s OK. It’s OK to leave some mystery in the world, it’s OK to say, here’s some hints or some clues about the things that are going on. Here are some evocative details that might imply certain answers. But when you sit down and you give us a dissertation where you say, “I’m going to go ahead and explain all the mysteries of the universe to you in my five minute lecture” — that’s usually not a good ending.

Shankar: Ty always put it this way, which I loved: The protomolecule was the rock that people broke themselves on. And by that he meant, every time people thought they knew what it was and tried to bend it to their will, they discovered it was something else. And it was simply that we could not understand it. And that’s threaded through the story from the very beginning.

Franck: Yeah, and in the first book, we are specific about that, because we say the protomolecule is like a bunch of monkeys found a microwave. One of them figures out how to open the door, and he goes, “Oh, this is a box to put things in.” And another one realizes that a light comes on, and they’re like, “Oh, this is a light to illuminate the darkness.” And another one says “This is really heavy, and I can break things with it.” So it’s a handy weapon for getting stuff.

All of them are wrong, because a monkey has never reheated a frozen burrito. So they have no context. So when the humans find the protomolecule, we keep going, “Oh, it must be this.” And we’re always wrong. Because the context in which the protomolecule was created and the species that created it, we share no context with. And so as Naren said, we keep breaking ourselves on this because we don’t we don’t understand it. And in many ways, we will never be able to understand it. So we’ll just keep beating each other to death with it, thinking it’s a big rock.


as a mountain
Sep 13, 2012
It's a refreshing take. Especially with the gate entities. All we know is that they may exist in some alternate dimension and when we use the gates we maybe "invading" or harming their universe. It's truly alien. From their perspective, "taking" ships might be self-defense.


Duck Season
May 2, 2012
Los Scandalous
I hate how dead this thread is. Such an amazing series and most folks didn't even watch it. Wow.

But you put on a white brim and a Hawaiian shirt and #marvelset commander @Bryan Danielson will summon all his minions. :snoop:
its actually good, cant expect people to fukk with it. :manny:

i still wanna know why they had marco out here with heavy eyeliner :mjlol: