movie was absolute trash. Did a piss poor job of tying into the MCU or making me feel the stakes of the movie. Didnt like any of the characters. Ikaris, Ajak and Sersi might as well have been cardboard cutouts. Even Druig lacked the presence and menace associated with his character. You can tell Zhao had only rudimentary understanding of the characters.
I think the funniest part about this movie is that it makes literally the exact same mistake as the Eternals comics. That mistake is failing to make the Eternals matter in grand scheme of the MCU.. In a world with Asgardians and Gamma monsters, the Eternals fail to have any oopmh or weight. Its why in the comics, Jack Kirby orignally made it so that the Eternals didnt even take place on Earth 616 (the Universe of the Marvel Comics line) until editorial folded them into 616 (because the Celestials are badass).
When the Eternals have worked in the MCU (which isnt often), they work because writers like Gaiman and Gillen lean more into the Eternals connection to the Celestials. This movie tried to do that but really tried to push the "they inspired and protected humanity

!" thing that falls apart the second you glance at it. You cant build the MCU as this trove of Easter Eggs and world building and then forcibly insert some Non charisma having pillars who were supposed to have been there, operating on a grand scale the whole time.