Avisible Man
S/N: 52093850
Nope. It was like releasing the first version of something and recognizing that you have bugs. They are working on fixing those bugs in the next rollout, by only allowing ppl to have powers for 24 hours. The only failsafe that Vought has on their heroes is their need to be loved and their love of fame and money. That's what they've been using up until now.
I wouldn't put it past Vought to have have a plan to raise Ryan to be a long-term failsafe. Raise him without knowing he's a supe. Have him live a life full of love and not one where he's studied like a labrat like his pops was. When he comes of age, maybe they thought they'd have the better version of Homelander who would be even more loved by the public and someone who could possibly takeout Homelander I'd it came to that, but that prolly wouldn't happen given that he's only half Homelander