Official The Book of Boba Fett Thread

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
No, George Lucas didn't create Star Wars just to bash the Jedi, that's just something people like to do on the Internet. Despite their flaws the Jedi are still supposed to be the good guys.

The problem with the Jedi was that they got too involved with politics and doing what the Republic wanted instead of following the force. But as far as attachments go they were mostly right.

The Jedi don't really force people to become Jedi, that's kind of a misconception.

Yes, they recruit little kids at a young age, but they're only allowed to do it with the parents permission, it's not like they're snatching up kids without asking. And people can leave if they want, the Jedi aren't forcing people to stay.

I've been preaching this for years on here but people fell for Palpatine/Anakin's bullshyt, but the Jedi were right - and George is objectively trying to tell us:

GEORGE LUCAS: He turns into Darth Vader because he gets attached to things. He can’t let go of his mother; he can’t let go of his girlfriend. He can’t let go of things. It makes you greedy. And when you’re greedy, you are on the path to the dark side, because you fear you’re going to lose things, that you’re not going to have the power you need.

George Lucas to Time Magazine April, 2002 (Dark Victory)

GEORGE LUCAS: In this film, (Phantom Menace) you begin to see that he has a fear of losing things, a fear of losing his mother, and as a result, he wants to begin to control things, he wants to become powerful, and these are not Jedi traits. And part of these are because he was starting to be trained so late in life, that he’d already formed these attachments. And for a Jedi, attachment is forbidden.

George Lucas to CNN, May 8, 2002 ( - George Lucas: Mapping the mythology - May 8, 2002)

GEORGE LUCAS: Jedi Knights aren’t celibate – the thing that is forbidden is attachments – and possessive relationships.

George Lucas to BBC, May 12, 2002 (BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Film | George Lucas: 'I'm still 25')

GEORGE LUCAS: Well, a lot of people got very upset, saying he should’ve been this little demon kid. But the story is not about a guy who was born a monster – it’s about a good boy who was loving and had exceptional powers, but how that eventually corrupted him and how he confused possessive love with compassionate love. That happens in Episode II: Regardless of how his mother died, Jedis are not supposed to take vengeance. And that’s why they say he was too old to be a Jedi, because he made his emotional connections. His undoing is that he loveth too much.

George Lucas to Rolling Stones, 2005 (George Lucas and the Cult of Darth Vader)

I can go on and on. The Jedi did not get corrupted, the Republic did - what Qui-Gon got right is that the Jedi should not be serving the Republic, an organism concerned with planning and plotting the future. The Jedi should live in the moment, "the living force".

The Jedi beliefs, however, were true. Luke bushed it but even he ends up coming back to it at the end of Last Jedi. And if you want to believe the Trash of Skywalker, pretty much all of the Prequel Jedi live on as ghosts to help Rey out; showing that they were pretty much as pure as Qui-Gon was.

The most important George quote regarding the prequel Jedi (but really just being a Jedi in general, since there isn't the divide that people think there is):

No human can let go. It’s very hard. Ultimately, we do let go because it’s inevitable; you do die, and you do lose your loved ones. But while you’re alive, you can’t be obsessed with holding on. As Yoda says in this one, [The scene in which Anakin seeks Yoda’s counsel] You must learn to let go of everything you’re afraid to let go of.’ Because holding on is in the same category and the precursor to greed. And that’s what a Sith is. A Sith is somebody that is absolutely obsessed with gaining more and more power - but for what? Nothing, except that it becomes an obsession to get more. The Jedi are trained to let go. They’re trained from birth, they’re not supposed to form attachments. They can love people- in fact, they should love everybody. They should love their enemies; they should love the Sith. But they can’t form attachments. So, what all these movies are about is: greed. Greed is a source of pain and suffering for everybody. And the ultimate state of greed is the desire to cheat death.

J. W. Rinzel - The Making of Revenge of the Sith page 213, published in 2005

GEORGE LUCAS: Anakin wants to be a Jedi, but he cannot let go of the people he loves in order to move forward in his life. The Jedi believe that you don’t hold on to things, that you let things pass through you, and if you can control your greed, you can resolve the conflict not only in yourself but in the world around you, because you accept the natural course of things. Anakin’s inability to follow this basic guideline is at the core of his turn to the Dark Side.

George Lucas to sci-fi online, 2005 (


All Star
Jun 4, 2014
Da South
I'm inclined to believe you but even in the face of all the flaws the fan service is what keeps nikkas

I heard a review podcaster who hates this show but said he felt like a kid again seeing Luke and Ahsoka standing together and THAT right there is Star Wars biggest issue. Fan service its what keeps it all afloat through thick and thin

Disney is at a point now where being good or bad is inconsequential. They're fine giving you just enough to keep you coming back

That's why I'm heavily considering hopping off the Star Wars train now because I don't see it changing anytime soon. This last episode and it's implications made Star Wars a lot less interesting overall to me. I don't care what happens next

Mandalorian was an anamoly. Nikkas been finessed

Do they really have any choice not to involve fan service? The sequel trilogy was not well received by Star Wars fans and the majority have no interest in seeing the adventures of Rey, Finn, Poe, and Rose continue. All of the new projects arent even taking place after the sequel trilogy lol.

It looks like they decided to bite the bullet and start the handoff all over again and of course people are going to want to know what those characters were doing at the moment or if they were alive. I do agree its a bit heavy at the moment, but the new start also gives them a chance to add new characters and eventually flesh out a new story.

The only gripe I have is that the quality of the last two episodes feel like a different show entirely and makes me question why they made these choices to begin with.


Jun 1, 2012
Do they really have any choice not to involve fan service? The sequel trilogy was not well received by Star Wars fans and the majority have no interest in seeing the adventures of Rey, Finn, Poe, and Rose continue. All of the new projects arent even taking place after the sequel trilogy lol.
It looks like they decided to bite the bullet and start the handoff all over again and of course people are going to want to know what those characters were doing at the moment or if they were alive. I do agree its a bit heavy at the moment, but the new start also gives them a chance to add new characters and eventually flesh out a new story.
The only gripe I have is that the quality of the last two episodes feel like a different show entirely and makes me question why they made these choices to begin with.
I don't mind fan service at all. Cameos and toy commercials are just baked into Star Wars I get it

My issue is when the fan service gets in the way of the storytelling. Storytelling is always the priority

Why wasn't the sequel trilogy received well??? Because they didn't focus on telling a decent story which then made the franchise suffer. They lead with fan service because in their minds all is forgiven if we just show characters and robots people liked even of they're just acting as cardboard cutouts

The Mandalorian was great because it told a great story FIRST. If the initial story is good the fan service is a bonus instead of a crutch


Jun 1, 2012
Again, it is STAR WARS... IT'S ALL CONNECTED regardless of who's the primary character is. You're complaining about TWO episodes of which explains what the Mandalorian and Grogu been up to during the time where beef between the Pikes and Boba Fett was doing doesn't merit a complaint, ESPECIALLY being that the Boba Fett series is a direct spin-off from the Mandalorian. There has to be justification as to how the Mandalorian come onto this series as well as a Segway in setting up season 3 for Mandalorian. And what does the MCU got anything to do with it?

Just say you're a novice on Star Wars, specifically the Filoni-verse and what's he's setting up and everyone involved and how it's all interconnected.
"IT'S ALL CONNECTED" Is no excuse for completely deviating from a main plot like this:mjlol:

Once again Kingpin was the antagonist of Daredevil. An episode showing his origin only further fleshed out the the main plot of the show. A plot which revolved around his direct actions

You don't know how much I know about Star Wars breh. :mjlol:And even if I knew nothing I still understand basic story telling rules and when they're abandoned

On another hand Cad Bane's intro was :ohlawd:AND related DIRECTLY to the plot. That was far better executed and more respectful to Boba than a Grogu training montage in a show that's not The Mandalorian
Oct 22, 2017
Golden Era/Drama free Zone
I'm a be honest

I'm not ready for tonight brehs

they fed us well these past two weeks

I think I'm gonna retire and not watch anymore for a few years

I don't think I can handle anymore greatness

I'm perfectly content with last weeks episode



Jun 1, 2012
i loved the last two eps. but everyone gotta agree it's pretty crazy what they did... imagine you are watching Falcon and Winter Soldier for 4 eps and then episode 5 focuses solely on Thor :mjlol:
Nikkas wont even admit that much

They're happy enough just seeing Luke Skywalker:mjlol:


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
Do they really have any choice not to involve fan service? The sequel trilogy was not well received by Star Wars fans and the majority have no interest in seeing the adventures of Rey, Finn, Poe, and Rose continue. All of the new projects arent even taking place after the sequel trilogy lol.

It looks like they decided to bite the bullet and start the handoff all over again and of course people are going to want to know what those characters were doing at the moment or if they were alive. I do agree its a bit heavy at the moment, but the new start also gives them a chance to add new characters and eventually flesh out a new story.

The only gripe I have is that the quality of the last two episodes feel like a different show entirely and makes me question why they made these choices to begin with.
Yeah it's a catch 22. I don't see how they can work it without doing a lot of fan service, but at the same time it's hard to just hook the general audience with brand new stories without fan service either


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
I don't mind fan service at all. Cameos and toy commercials are just baked into Star Wars I get it

My issue is when the fan service gets in the way of the storytelling. Storytelling is always the priority

Why wasn't the sequel trilogy received well??? Because they didn't focus on telling a decent story which then made the franchise suffer. They lead with fan service because in their minds all is forgiven if we just show characters and robots people liked even of they're just acting as cardboard cutouts

The Mandalorian was great because it told a great story FIRST. If the initial story is good the fan service is a bonus instead of a crutch
They also fukked up greatly by not charting out the ENTIRE sequel trilogy ahead of time. Why they thought it was a good idea to allow it each episode to be be written as it went along (with different directors and writers having creative control along the way) I'll never know.

That's such an obvious recipe for disaster.

Johnson undid what JJ was pointing towards and essentially started a new trilogy, and then JJ had to undo what Johnson did to try and fix it, and essentially started a new trilogy again. Episodes 8 and 9 were basically resetting the everything both times.


Jun 1, 2012
While the Jedi should've let Anakin save his mother, that wasn't the main place they messed up. Their main fukk up was training Anakin in the first place.

Anakin was never mentally built for the Jedi life the first place. He's powerful but outside of that he was always a terrible Jedi. Yoda and Mace were right from the jump and shouldn't have allowed him to be trained.

Even if the Jedi let Anakin save his mom he most likely still would've turned to the dark side eventually. He's more concerned about Padme/Shmi than the galaxy and Palpatine could always use that to manipulate him.
Anakin was a self fufilling prophecy

Nobody's accounting for the fact that he felt like an outsider from the very beginning because the Jedi never fukked with him in the first place. Obi Wan grew to like him but he didn't want to train/fukk with him either

So you have a boy who's already separated from his slave mama, and thrown into an environment where nikkas openly side eye him. The nikka didn't stand a chance

Mace and Yoda might've had valid reasons for not wanting to train him, but couldn't articulate them like most old heads

Anakin tried as hard as anyone could in spite of everything, but ultimately the way the Jedi treated him sent him right into Palpatine's hands


Jun 1, 2012
They also fukked up greatly by not charting out the ENTIRE sequel trilogy ahead of time. Why they thought it was a good idea to allow it each episode to be be written as it went along (with different directors and writers having creative control along the way) I'll never know.

That's such an obvious recipe for disaster.

Johnson undid what JJ was pointing towards and essentially started a new trilogy, and then JJ had to undo what Johnson did to try and fix it, and essentially started a new trilogy again. Episodes 8 and 9 were basically resetting the everything both times.
They did chart it out(although the story wasn't good) but what they didn't account for was the negative reception Force Awakens received

They panicked twice over after that