Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
I think it's all in the nature of the "derail."
If it's a natural segué within a topic, and citing an example to make a point regarding the execution of something, then it's not really affecting anyone, and won't really be called out, since it's not gonna get "noticed" to get called out in the first place.
Now on the other hand, if it's a situation where you're grading a performance in some category and someone decides to mention a competing industry/company/franchise just to be on some fukkerythen it's gonna hit different.
So I think if it's a matter of tallying scores or instigating competition, it's gonna get labelled as a derail. If it's a comparison being done with the endgame (no pun intended) being the overall improvement of the genre, then it won't be labelled as such.
(I just feel like I had to leave "fred" at the end for some reason)
Maybe.... but I seen the example you made and it only gets mentioned depending on who the posters are.
I think it mainly depends who doing it and who has the fake issue with it. Either way, no one should ever be calling anyone out for it cuz everyone does it
It’s never consistent