In and out
I won't lie, if my body does not fully recover after I finish having children (e.g. horrible waistline and back fat), I might lose weight then get a Brazilian butt lift. Those before and after pics are
I will be 40 and fine (I'm sure my future husband wouldn't mind...at least I hope not).
Dont do it, reconsider, read some literature...
Back fat is easy to get rid off, loose skin on the tummy (after weight loss) can be taken care of with a tuck, but you may not need if you have good skin or use dermrolling. But dont go for lipo as an easy way, over time, it can leave internal scar tissue that can harden and form lumps on the inside, especially if you form scar tissue easily (which many women of color do). These lumps can be seen and felt. My mom needed to have her scar tissue removed cause it got hard.
You can look into velashape that is not as invasive.
I keep my head up by googling Before and Afters of mommys who lifted weights or did crossfit.