Pretty good episode tonight.
10 months later and Cyrus still didn't piece together that Fitz may possibly know about 'Defiance', until Olivia told him that's why he's walking around with a stick up his ass? Eh.
Talk about passing the buck. 'It was Cyrus...'
It's no secret that the two have never been close, but Mellie really outdid herself tonight with placing the majority of the blame on Cy. Interesting how she also added Olivia into being manipulated by Cyrus to go along with the plan, as oppose to throwing her under the bus as well.
That reminds me, Mellie you're also a...
Now we've known for awhile that Mellie knew about the affair between Olivia and Fitz, and was okay with it in her own twisted way, but Geez Louise! Talk about having absolutely no self respect. She was chalking up her husband's bad moods and overt drinking to him and his mistress having a tiff- like *shrugs* it is what it is. Seriously, I. Can't.
I so do not need to, nor do I want to see anymore weird 'sexy' time with Fitz and Mellie.
How strangely cute that Quinn has become Huck's pupil. I've been thinking that they will eventually get together and really why not? It will keep Quinn's over-the-top ass busy doing something other than obsessing about how bad her life is, when she could have been locked up for life.
I do feel a bit of sympathy for David because he has been dealt a pretty shytty hand lately, but tonight it was really like...
His little spiel was a good one, but I can't help but get annoyed with his character at times. It's like stay in your lane. My favorite line the whole night was when Olivia told him, 'You can't afford me.' That was so perfect, especially considering his current financial situation.
So while Fitz drinks like a fish, Olivia swims like one. Can she catch a break? Damn! Giving it up to Fitz only to be rejected when its all said and done. Ouch. However...
[ame=http://youtu.be/icBbewIBjIQ]Close Your Legs - YouTube[/ame]
The upcoming episodes should be interesting. I haven't paid much attention to Scott Foley's career since 'Felicity', but it's good to see him on the show. Sure he's playing a psycho but at least it's someone new.
I look forward to next week's episode.