I am really stressed/annoyed with work. A lot of people's positions are being condensed and moved to other states. We had a meeting Monday where I thought they would going to tell my department our positions are being moved to Dallas. They told us they eliminated* my bosses position. With no warning. They did them dirty compared to how they did the other departments.I know we are going to be next. I'm not even mad. I was happy when I thought we were going to be "restructured" in the meeting. Give me my package and I will never look back.
I have wanted to quit for months, I always felt bad because I knew the heavy work load I would be leaving behind for my co-workers. Though if it doesn''t happen soon, I will quit. The atmosphere is really bad right now, I hate it here and I hate waiting. It's like if you are going to let us go soon then tell me. Honestly quiting will be easier because my manager is gone so I don't have to worry about swamping her. Everything here is tense.
You can PM me if you want. I've recently went through a layoff, and have been sooooo relaxed because I got a nice payout. I have a couple of positions available to me now with great pay, but I still want to hold off for another month just to get re-acclimated to working again. I'm weighing just quitting this corporate life altogether and starting a franchise.