When I first started driving I was nervous about being in the car alone, but I wouldn't call it a full out attack. I would suggest pulling over (if you're able to) in order to talk yourself down.
Also try to steer from unfamiliar routes.
So here's what happened...
Im good driving by myself. But I've had my license for less than a week and people keep telling me to follow them. First my mom, which I posted above previously and then last night, my boyfriend did it too.
His job is paying for him to stay at a hotel. So when he gave me an address, I put it in the GPS and it was like a shopping center with a gas station and a Holiday Inn. So I got there safely, went to Taco Bell drive-thru and parked in the hotel lot.
After I told him, I was there. He told me to meet him at the gas station. So.. Im already parked (facing out) so I didnt want to move my car and lose my spot. So I asked him if this was the right hotel? Does he want me to walk over there or take the car? He says, *sigh* "just come to the gas station."

So I finally drive over there. He wanted to use his card to give me gas since I asked for gas money. (He could've just said so, but that's how he is.

So then he tells me to follow him. This is when I started getting anxious, because I have to keep up with him and mind you it's dark and late and just finished raining. Then we pull up to his hotel parking lot and he zooms in and parks. The lot looks small and dark so I'm worried I wont find a spot. The first spot I see is next to a truck (kinda like a U-Haul van). I tried to turn into it, but I turned in too tight and I started feeling claustrophobic and trapped in because I didnt want to hit anyone, and I couldn't get out

, so I panicked and ended up scraping the side of my car on the truck.
Luckily, there was no damage to the van/truck

, but my car is damaged. I don't care as long as it runs so I'm good.

But that messed up my night a bit and I didn't sleep.
This is why I'm a loner - because I trust myself but when I start interacting with other people, I doubt myself and get anxious.
I have to remember to stop and breathe and think and ask for help if need be. I'm better now. I just took it as a learning opportunity,