Don't even know where to start lolLet her know you think she's attractive, smash her (and good) and then take greater responsibility in the volunteer group and encourage her to do the same. Life too damn short to not experience things or people man. When and how it ends it just ends it can be very casual but we'll played feel me?
No shade but GMB afflilates may be missing out on a lot of good p*ssy and fun growth experiences trying to be all cold for no reason and KIM in every damn situation....this is why TEMGH aka the Tho (ugh)t Empire will ultimately be a stronger movement....we look for the win/win.
Make a list of the opportunities in this situation and see which ones u can turn into realities and then go hard.
@Action Mike check my work when you get a moment
I'm not trynna be #HOH with her I've always been more reserved with sex...can't do a 180 since shyt would be forced and transparent on my part. Plus if shyt goes left, (i.e. if either of us catches feelings that are unrequited) then that will absolutely spill over into our interactions in the group as well. I'm really not trynna be cold to the girl I just wanna help the unfortunate in society dammit :totheeastside:
So basically you want me to do a SWOT analysis

I will start thinking outside the box though