Honey money phase probably wore off a bit for him, and its back to business as usual..aka me 1st! You should call him out on it, because if this is a problem for you now its only gonna get worse.I don't mind spending one day out of the week with him since we both work and he's currently in school but that's the thing. He cancelled on me this past Friday because he was too tired and the time we hung out before that he was an hour late because he fell asleep.
Adding to that he doesn't call me like he used to or make any effort to set up any dates, so that's why I feel a little taken for granted atm.
But yeah, he's probably just transitioning out of the HMP.
I know I did the same thing at one point in my life, the sucky thing is I had people from all walks of my life tell me I was screwing up. I couldn't see it though, didn't see it until after the relationship was long over.
I was so bad with thisI experienced this "I just saw you the other day" LMMFAO!!
I was like the best worst boyfriend at that point in my life.
You live and you learn tho
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