I always felt like they wanted to make Ghost more unlikable and more of an evil b*stard, but it was too late for that. It doesn't help that he was surrounded by some of the most unlikable characters on TV, an All-Star Game of people you just want to punch in the face on sight. They tried to do what The Sopranos did with Tony by saying that Ghost changed, but they did it in such a forced, half-assed way, nobody believed it. What reason do I have to sympathize with Tariq or Tasha over Ghost? When he was celebrating becoming Lorette Walsh's running mate, I was happy for him. Leave these awful people behind and enjoy your new life in Albany.
The irony is that after all this is over, Tariq is still inheriting two-thirds of Ghost's assets. Once he gets over this, he's going to be set for life all because of the plan Ghost set up. What's he going to do then? Complain that his dad never helped him out with anything and start selling drugs inside Truth?
You must've been late to the party. I stopped liking Ghost around late season 2 and certainly by mid season 3. He was still an interesting, complex and entertaining character but I wasn't rooting for him.
That probably has something to do with Omari, the brother is talented but I don't think he would be someone I would wanna hang with.