My notes:
-So, Big Mama has a drinking problem that we're just now finding out about? Something's not adding up here and it just raises more questions. Why would Tasha leave her youngest child to be taken care of by an alcoholic all these years? I could give it a pass if we find out that this whole thing with Tasha is stressing Big Mama out and that's why she's drinking so much. Still, I feel like this is something Tasha would know about and be concerned by.
-Yeah, they need to get rid of that background music. Did they hire someone new to do it? Because the score has never been a problem before and all of a sudden, it sounds like something out of one of those goofy parody movies.
-Why is Cane so jumpy? If he's going to work with Tariq, then he has to learn to trust him. He was this concerned about it, but never thought about hiding the body? The same way he hid Ramirez's body?
-Jabari was just sitting there in the park for hours, and nobody knew anything for how long? Who found him? Carrie was meeting with the detective, and he was just like, "Wanna see a dead body? It's the guy you spent years working with. Isn’t that something?

" I would have thought somebody would find out on TV or something.
I don't know why they just didn't write her off with Tasha in the finale as all this new storyline will do is highlight how even more stupid it was that Riq killed Ghost. There are other ways they can stack the odds against him without keeping her in the fold.
I thought she was in witness protection with Tasha this whole time. I was like

when I saw her on screen.
I really wonder how Tariq is going to get out of this. There's no way he can continue the app since the cops are going to start living at Stansfield now. And the Tejadas are all

because there's no way they think Tariq's not connected to Jabari's murder. A couple more bodies are going to drop before this season's over. Ghost was in a similar situation in season six, so Tariq has to find a way to escape.