But he did meet Kanan

and Ghost was his father

you can't take that away

It don't matter that Ghost kept Tariq away from it when he was a kid. He discovered who Ghost was later on and that would have always happened because you not gonna hide being a major drug trafficker from a teenager
Take the show out of it.
Let's picture this is real life for a moment.
You read a news story about a drug dealer with multiple suspected killings connected to him getting murdered in his nightclub after running a drug operation for decades. Years later, you read about his son going to prison for murdering his teacher. What are you thinking after reading this headline? Are you gonna think this kid had a great, stable upbringing or are you gonna think this kid was fukked from the beginning. Be real here
I can't do that. We're not talking about real life, we're talking about a TV show. And a good TV show can make all of this make sense.
The Sopranos made it work because there were many stupid characters who had no business being mobsters. They ended up doing ridiculously idiotic things and got killed as punishment. Or in A.J.'s case, he never had any interest in being in the mob despite knowing what Tony did. He was a depressed, suicidal burnout.
If they wanted to tell the story of Tariq becoming the new Ghost and being negatively influenced by his parents, they should have done a way better job of doing it. It wasn't that hard. They could have made Ghost an evil b*stard that had a direct hand in fukking up his son's life. They didn't do that. They had someone else expose Tariq to all of it, and literally everything that happened afterwards was proof that Tariq didn't belong in the game. In one of the last episodes, Tasha even said that Tariq's not street or hood. He wasn't built for the life and they kept pushing him in it until he completely destroyed his own life. If this was
ANY other show, Tariq would have died a long time ago because of his incompetence.
And to make matters worse, Raina was slowly figuring out what her parents were really doing. At no point did it look like she cared about being a criminal. She just knew Tariq was fukking up and she didn't want Ghost to go back to prison. The last thing she says is "my dad's gonna kill you." She already knew what Ghost was about, but she had a way better handle on the situation than Tariq did. I wonder why.