I was thinking about this earlier, but does anyone else feel like they played their hand too early with Tariq going to jail?
I thought it was a great scene and Tariq definitely had too much working against him to make it out safe, but we're only halfway through season two. It took them three seasons to send Ghost to jail, and it was for something he didn't even do. Tariq technically killed Jabari, so........how does he get out of this? How does this change things with the people around him? What does he do once he gets out?
This episode was great, but it felt like a season finale. And the show got renewed, so we have fifteen more episodes after this one. I'm just wondering how they can top themselves besides Tariq getting killed, and who knows when that's ever going to happen if it does?
I assume they gonna play out Lorenzo vs Mecca while Tariqs legal stuff is going on.