Mike the Executioner
What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Damn. In record time, everybody hates this show now. 
The one thing bothering me so far is the non-endings. Feels like the first two episodes just stopped and there was nothing to indicate they were over.
Power has been suffering from this since season five at least. The writers are rusty as hell the first couple episodes, then halfway through the season, it becomes appointment TV again. I don't know why they haven't solved this problem, because it's bled into the whole universe (didn't finish watching Raising Kanan, but based off the comments here, it also needed time to get locked in).
I would say to hold off watching the next couple episodes and binge them. If things improve, go back to watching each week. If they don't, wait until the season's over and then decide on whether or not season three is worth watching.
I thought there was a mistake, but apparently, Courtney's really not on the show anymore. She's still an executive producer, but she's not managing the show day-to-day like before?
I swear, I hope the new showrunner isn't from Empire. That's one of the reasons Power fell off because it was trying to be more like Empire (scenes that barely make any logical sense, Ghost being treated like Satan and Hitler by every character, rushing through plots/forgetting things that were already established).
Cane's going to get himself killed doing things like this. And he has the nerve to be worried about Tariq?
If Mecca is the new connect and he has the Tejadas' drugs now, aren't they going to figure out they're being sold their own product? It will be like when Vincent showed Tommy the drugs Tariq stole from Tommy's warehouse and Tommy was like
because he knew he was being ripped off.

The one thing bothering me so far is the non-endings. Feels like the first two episodes just stopped and there was nothing to indicate they were over.
Zeke is the worst casting on the show. Just very unconvincing. Dude looks like he’s 30 year old. Dude wants to go to the nba yet a 40 year old Okafor looked to be in significantly better shape
that first episode is one of the worst power episodes I’ve ever seen. It has me reevaluating if I should continue the season or just hold off until all the episodes drop.
Power has been suffering from this since season five at least. The writers are rusty as hell the first couple episodes, then halfway through the season, it becomes appointment TV again. I don't know why they haven't solved this problem, because it's bled into the whole universe (didn't finish watching Raising Kanan, but based off the comments here, it also needed time to get locked in).
I would say to hold off watching the next couple episodes and binge them. If things improve, go back to watching each week. If they don't, wait until the season's over and then decide on whether or not season three is worth watching.
Yeah she said it on Live last week. Courtney isn't writing the show anymore, but this is basically her show now creatively. 50 is running Rasing Kanan & Force, he doesn't promote this show anymore unless he has too if you notice.
I thought there was a mistake, but apparently, Courtney's really not on the show anymore. She's still an executive producer, but she's not managing the show day-to-day like before?
I swear, I hope the new showrunner isn't from Empire. That's one of the reasons Power fell off because it was trying to be more like Empire (scenes that barely make any logical sense, Ghost being treated like Satan and Hitler by every character, rushing through plots/forgetting things that were already established).
Cane stealing his own family's product is too over the top IMO
Cane's going to get himself killed doing things like this. And he has the nerve to be worried about Tariq?

If Mecca is the new connect and he has the Tejadas' drugs now, aren't they going to figure out they're being sold their own product? It will be like when Vincent showed Tommy the drugs Tariq stole from Tommy's warehouse and Tommy was like