Honestly, it's better than it has any right to be. The quality is at least higher than the last season of Power, and they're actually trying to give the characters motivations for the things they're doing. Like with Tariq, they're finally having him do things for legitimate reasons instead of having him act out with no payoff. As much as I hate to admit it, he's not nearly as unbearable as he was in Power.
There are things that don't make a lot of sense (In real life, Tariq would have been kicked out of Canonical Studies at this point, Saxe still getting cases, the Tejadas apparently not knowing much about Ghost's operation), but I haven't seen anything as over-the-top or offensive as some of the things Power did. Plus, there's room to develop the new characters. The show definitely has potential, which is something I wouldn't have imagined myself saying earlier this year.