No. How would it?? It'd at least provide a fair play for randoms who play online. Not everyone is always playing in a full party of 6 with friends.
It's better than having 1 team of randoms vs a probable team of 6.
Other games has had mercenaries mode and they're games that need teamwork i.e. TLOU MP.
Please. TLOU is not on the same level of this in terms of teamwork. This game was made to promte synergy with other players to complete the objective. Not cater to loners and solo'ers. Plus, its really not fun playing with randoms as other posters have mentioned over and over again in this thread. Its not that hard to find a solid team. Just link up with players on boards like the official one, gamefaqs, etc. Or just add good players you've come across randomly. Why cater to players who specifically go against the devs goal for this game?