I heard also that they are nerfing tanks as far as armor goes for some reason. Game is practically gonna be a DPS heal fest
I heard also that they are nerfing tanks as far as armor goes for some reason. Game is practically gonna be a DPS heal fest
I had to go to the forums to see if this was realwow it really is
and they also wrote into the story that Symetra is Autistic ??
the fukk kinda story is this![]()
I heard also that they are nerfing tanks as far as armor goes for some reason. Game is practically gonna be a DPS heal fest
I heard also that they are nerfing tanks as far as armor goes for some reason. Game is practically gonna be a DPS heal fest
They don't know what to do with the game. They make it to dps heavy focus we get characters like Bridget to counter it. They make it to tank focused we get triple tank and goats comp which are cancer to play against.
The game hasn't had a good balance since pre roadhog nerf and probably won't have it ever again since babies cry to stuff they dont know how to beat and blizzard caters to them cause they the ones spending millions of dollars on skins.
This game is a prime example of the gaming era we living in. Any popular competitive game are gonna suffer the same fate if the plans are to make money from it long term because to do that u have to pander to the biggest fanbase of your game and that fanbase will always be the ones that aren't good.
I still play from time to time when me and my squad are sick of playing duty but after reaching high diamond a couple seasons ago i was kinda burnt out. The fact this game still doesn't have a proper role queue is disgusting. Only so many times u can get matched with 4 mercy mains before u just say fukk it.
I adapt to whatever is happening. I don't need all these patches. Certain things that become OP or spammed need adjusting but they need to stick to their guns and stop catering to cry babies.
I heard also that they are nerfing tanks as far as armor goes for some reason. Game is practically gonna be a DPS heal fest
That's where the money is tho, from what I hear.Cause them e sport fukks do nothing but bytch about kills
The largest fan base will ALWAYS be people who aren't good at the game. If everyone could make diamond it wouldn't be special. If anything this game needs to go free-to-play and make the gap at the bottom wider. There isn't much separating Bronze from Gold but from Mid-Gold to Diamond and top 500 there's a HUGE difference. The Armor nerf I think is fine. Rein, DVa and other will still be really strong. But Brigette won't be as overpowered throwing out armor all the time. I think they did misstep, in hindsight, making and entire character address a meta problem. But the game will be fine, I personally think Ashe's dynamite should be an extra tic or be a bit stronger as an actual tool for tank melt.
In theroy, that's what the entire mechanic of the game is built around. Most people complaining about GOATs are a high enough rank to even experience it, truly. You aren't seeing GOATs in gold or below and if you are those people don't have the technical ability or the communication to pull it off.![]()