Bring back Arsenio.
That album has its low points, but You Can't Stop Us, Testify, Slave and Master, Untitled, Y'all My nikkas![]()
Testify and We are Not Alone were

Bring back Arsenio.
That album has its low points, but You Can't Stop Us, Testify, Slave and Master, Untitled, Y'all My nikkas![]()
Can't forget about Breathe and Queens Get The Money.Bring back Arsenio.
That album has its low points, but You Can't Stop Us, Testify, Slave and Master, Untitled, Y'all My nikkas![]()
Testify drew the line in the sand. We are Not Alone could've been replaced with anyone of those other song that was unreleased or from The ****** Tape. Someone had a blended version of ****** Haterd with Queens Get The MoneyTestify and We are Not Alone wereto me but I think that Who Are You and Colors belonged on that alum and would've made it even more classic.
Rapper Nas: Not Good for U.S. to ‘Look Like Apartheid South Africa’
by Josh Feldman | 6:48 pm, December 17th, 2014
Nas, one of the most popular hip hop artists in the country, opened up in a Time Magazine interview out today about recent race issues in the U.S., remarking that “it’s not cool to look like apartheid South Africa.”![]()
He said that with all the protests going on over the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, the rest of America can finally see “something that’s always been going on.” Nas remarked, “It’s not cool to look like apartheid South Africa.”
He also opined on the history of black life in the United States, saying that “a lot of whites are very ignorant with American history” and now is the time for “a lot of healing.”
Mandela passes away, Airlines in the south pacific falling, Russia and US beefing, Children being openly bombed in Palestine, CM Punk walking away from WWE, Isis re-emerging and chopping heads off, Vibe and XXL closing to become quarterly, Lebron going back to the place they burned his jerseys, Ultimate Warrior dying, School full of a 100 Children getting murdered in Pakistan, a wack Spider-Man movie, Boko Haram kidnapping a 100 girls in Nigeria, The Undertaker's streak breaking to BroKKK Lesnar, Black Excellence Quarterbacks failing in the NFL, Black athletes in the NFL getting put under the sterotype microscope and all being labeled abusers cause of a couple, No rapper going gold except the white boy, Macklemore strong arming Kendrick for the Grammy's, Jeter retiring ending an era of NY Baseball, the Knicks still being terrible, fukking Zimmerman getting off, Cosby getting lynched or finally exposed for heinous acts (depending on your viewpoint) Michael Brown not even getting justice, Ferguson into a warzone, no justice for Eric Garner, an open warzone in NYC, The fappening and people acting up over privacy, E-mail leaks and countries wanting to shut down a fukking movie and putting a big studio at a standstill, a whitewashed movie about Moses, Hov hanging out at Taylor Swift parties, Wu-Tang final break up going unnoticed, Muhammed Ali hospitalized.
You see what all happens in a 12 month Calendar year when Nasir doesn't drop an LP![]()
Most of this is fodder for conscious rapper tracks but Nas and maybe Common can truly pull it off. Would love to see Nas refer to the racial events above and reference the fact that he spoke of it on the Untitled album,
Tell me this doesnt exist and hasnt blessed my ears yet.We need that Nas/Sade song from 2001![]()
Don't play with my emotionsWe need that Nas/Sade song from 2001![]()
nah..leave We're Not Alone and replace Make The World Go Round....I thought We're Not Alone was dope and it atleast fit the theme of the album...Testify drew the line in the sand. We are Not Alone could've been replaced with anyone of those other song that was unreleased or from The ****** Tape. Someone had a blended version of ****** Haterd with Queens Get The Money![]()
I fukks with Make the World go Round, but think it fits better as a bonus track. It fits perfect after Black President, it's more of a celebration track.nah..leave We're Not Alone and replace Make The World Go Round....I thought We're Not Alone was dope and it atleast fit the theme of the album...