Back to discussing Blaze A it possible that clip is from a remix? If the acapellas were readily available to DJs back then, maybe someone added that sample. Or it’s the OG. The sample sounds like some 70s prog rock shyt with those haunting organ keys.
yeah, there were a lot of Nas tracks leaking in 1998-99 and onwards...
I still want to know if this is OG or a remix...I pitch corrected it because it was like an octave higher, but the I Am acapella vinyl was readily available after I Am dropped...Kanye had a KISSING remix too but at least he said it was a remix and this was when he was just getting acclimated to rocafella, etc...Kanye produced unreleased Nas tracks too like Kids Have All The Fun, The Toy, Memories, You Can't Stop Me, etc and ghost produced under D-Dot to make Poppa Was A Playa, etc
yeah, DJs say it's OGs to get clout, just look at DJ absolute's soundcloud...dude says he has 2 Nas exclusive tracks but it's just tagging with DJ drops to get views for him passing off his Big Mark said (idk how to tag people yet) that's typical behavior on what a DJ would do when releasing supposed OG or unreleased Nas material...they just put their drops all over it like DJ 31 degreez/DJ Clue and it takes years to find the untagged version later
the other two been out as existing songs but Absolute decides to rename them anyways to make it seem like they are new songs -- similar to what J Love did on his last Nas Mixtape installation...not only did he rename songs and add drops, he also added in features to make it seem like he has songs that you don't have or heard before
J-Love Presents Nas – Nas Finest Part 7 (2008, CD) ...we had a wild goose chase on reddit recently too where one guy was trying to find out a bunch of exclusive Nas tracks but it just turned out to be stuff he already heard before but under a different name
the actual songs...Note: Queenstyle has 3 Nas verses and the final product is called Triple Threat, but triple threat only has 2 Nas verses and they are in different order from the original, FYI
You can compare the verses of Queenstyle with Triple Threat. The only Nas OG that was debunked for sure was Nas is Like, which was just a beat from Group Home - Up Against the Wall (Getaway Car Remix) that someone said in the comments
It's kinda crazy that I come back and I have to reply everybody here...I remember before I was given thecoli access how frustrating it was to read threads but the conversation kept on going south with incomplete information sometimes while some people drop new information that I didn't know....if I offended any DJs out there, my bad, I was just reporting on what 'typical DJ' behavior is