At seventeen I made seventeen thousand living in public housing
Integrity intact, repping hard
They asking how he disappear and reappear back on top
Saying Nas must have naked pictures of God or something

To keep winning is my way like Francis
As long as I'm breathing, I'll take chances
A soldier comin' home, twenty years old with no legs
Sayin' there's no sense to cry and complain, just go head
So much to write and say, yo I don't know where to start
So I'll begin with the basics and flow from the heart
I know you think my life is good cause my diamond piece
But my life been good since I started finding peace

I shouldn't even be smiling, I should be angry and depressed
I been rich longer than I been broke, I confess

I started out broke, got rich, lost paper then made it back
Like oneterm being up down up, play with cash