I think Swizz is a great guy to have in the studio helping to create an album. He brings energy. And we now he works with other producers, like on Echo which is technically DJ Scratch's beat. The thing I wonder about...Nas has said he loved making KD. Surely he'll be looking for similar energy next time he does an album. I've said before that I don't see how Nas would like doing an album with Dre, who is such a perfectionist he stifles creativity and the free atmosphere Nas enjoyed on KD. But what if the next project is a collaborate amongst multiple producers, working together? Like if you got Swizz, Dre, Premo, Alchemist, and [insert dream Nas producers] all together working alongside each other.
That's always been my dream idea. Like the Nas version of what Kanye did with MBDTF where he brought a bunch of people (including Nas) to Hawaii to chill, record, etc.