Yeah, the Steven personality is garbage. I want more moon knight snd less of all this other shytgetting interesting... but man, this show was basically a non-starter for me and i don't think it's ever gonna really improve much b/c bumbling British Steven is probably my least favorite MCU lead to date. everyone is sucking Oscar Isaac's dikk for playing mulitple roles, but i ... kinda hate that one?
also love watching moon knight andnot seeing moon knight
thing is, i can get behind a character i don't like if i feel like he's written that way and it's an amazing performance. i don't think it is. and i don't really get why everyone is pretending it is. great actor, that character has some good moments of acting, but overall, i can't wait for him to look in the fukkin mirror. "hey i like this actor from other things, and he's playing 2 different roles, so this must be award worthy."Yeah, the Steven personality is garbage. I want more moon knight snd less of all this other shyt
thing is, i can get behind a character i don't like if i feel like he's written that way and it's an amazing performance. i don't think it is. and i don't really get why everyone is pretending it is. great actor, that character has some good moments of acting, but overall, i can't wait for him to look in the fukkin mirror. "hey i like this actor from other things, and he's playing 2 different roles, so this must be award worthy."
it isn't easy for one actor to play two simultaneous roles of split personalities and be convincing to the audience of that fact
Remember the twist of primal fear???
never said it was, but when one character is basically a slightly more badass version of the regular guy and the other is a bumbling fool with a distractingly bad british accent*, color me a little less impressed than i'm supposed to be. when this was announced i immediately thought, "oh shyt, this dude is about to win emmys" and now i'm gonna roll my eyes if he's nominated.
*a lynguist could tell me it's pitch perfect, but it still feels like a bad choice overall. could be canon to the comics, and it still feels like a bad choice overall. in closing, it is been a bad choice overall.