This episode was ite. Episode 9 better be lit with all the empty scenes. I dont wanna see Bars man out on dates and shyt
But then again, I think that its gonna come to the light that one of the characters is the one who killed her baby daddy
Link for ep
word, jessica lost some cool points from me this episode by the wayWas thinkin the same thing. Only thing that makes sense. Maybe the dread that Miz rocked in the first EP
This episode was ite. Episode 9 better be lit with all the empty scenes. I dont wanna see Bars man out on dates and shyt
But then again, I think that its gonna come to the light that one of the characters is the one who killed her baby daddy
Was thinkin the same thing. Only thing that makes sense. Maybe the dread that Miz rocked in the first EP
I think it might end up being whatever got dude sent to jail in the first place. Its not like dude messes with any other characters besides Bars. Anybody else doing it would have no bearing on their relationship.
If the only reason you watched was for ty then you was never a fan of the show anyway.Grimey Ty is literally the only reason I've been checking the show out, dudes character was hilarious last year. Now they got Rafe overwriting all the dialogue so that everyone sounds like him. People gassed his head up telling him that his writing is what made the show so great so now he's turned every character into a version of himself and its wack. I was watching his interviews at the breakfast club and hot97 and dude came off as extremely egotistical to me. Dude never gave the cast members props for their acting but would take every chance to promote his "writing" skills. They storyline was never exceptional and he based the characters off of himself and real people he knew. Show was MILDLY entertaining to begin with and now its not even that.
Not sure why this is so hard to understandShane can't go after Ty cause hes hot... Ty took Ronado off his back by lying to him and thus putting more heat on Shane, there's no reason for Ty to appear, besides Leon appeared a bunch of times this season and his character is very similar to Ty.