Gives me those Nikita feels
You took it back with that. Having to use that in the gas filled room in mgs 1
Gives me those Nikita feels
You know what's whack!? I didn't want to read your spoiler because I haven't gotten up to Eli yet but I wanted to reply to your post. I didn't realize till now that when you reply to a spoiler you reveal the spoiler automatically in the reply. Boo to that. Thank God it's not a major spoiler though. I agree with you though. I swear up and down that has to be him.
I've done a BOAT LOAD of side missions and got motherbase almost maxed out across the board but I'm only on main mission 15.
I need to chill with the side missions and get back to this story. This game is so addicting.
The horse is useless
I can't really find a use for him since I got Quiet and D Dog.
D-walker I use sometimes.
I find myself switching buddies during missions. I still use the horse alot even though I have quiet and d walker. Right now I use the dog more than anything just to max out his loyalty.The horse is useless
I can't really find a use for him since I got Quiet and D Dog.
D-walker I use sometimes.
Ran in another nikkas base and stole 5 of his nikkas and tried to escape on a crate. Didnt give m the triangle button to fulton out on the crate and fell to my death.
I don't think you pilot it. It's for your staff to use in combat deployments. Check for the hard ass mission in your deployment menu. Get to work on your S rank soldier farmingYou like I was last week. Finally beat chapter one Thursday night. Now I'm on chapter two.
The amount of shyt you can unlock
And I've yet to use dwalker yet either.
@Fonsworth, question
how the hell do I use battle gear? It was completed and ice lot said he wanted to try it in combat deployment, but I dknt see a mic ion for it.
Lmao um. It is
80% done and I've yet to spawn in with D-Walker
What am I missing?
Anyone can get got. If your rival enters combat mode, even if he successfully steals your shyt you can get back at him. But if he gets your shyt without entering combat mode then you just gotta take the L and adjust your security layout.Can you grab those dudes?