Drinks Blood from a Boot
Bruh, why are you so angry birdish right now "Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"Awesome boss fights, Awesome moves, awesome jaw dropping moments. Dont know what action games you're playing. O yea, you waitin on poker to drop. fukk outta here.
I know you like these types of games, are you still upset that Bayonetta (which was made by this same team) was so horrible on the ps3
Once you realize that, make sure you act right when I see you enjoying this game over XBL
Or will your fanboyism have you playing the inferior version yet again...
If they showed that shyt
shut yo ass up you know damn well if they showed that shyt being played with the Kinect ya bum ass would've been all over it!
Not sure what your dumbass is talking about, but the demo is out
I played it, have you? I said what I felt after playing it.. thought it was awesome at first... but I turned it off before I finished the demo
I'm not really into unpolished ideas (no pun intended)
Ninja Gaiden and NG2.. the way the game was set up,
This game, it seemed to be more open. And imo that isn't a good idea or lets say a "better" idea than a more linear experience for this type of game.
You get too open, and your entering dynasty warrior territory
I'm not exactly sure where this game lays, but to me I didn't put the game down with the urge to play it again. Not the actual gameplay. Only the sword mode, how cool that is/was. But I'm good a seeing things others dont
You'll see what I'm talking about in time, or I may be incorrect on what I think this game will turn into. Lets hope I'm wrong :shake: