
Valar Morghulis
Feb 10, 2017
Baltimore, MD / Charlotte, NC


Jan 28, 2013
Movie was enjoyable. Don’t know what to give it. Cooler did the best he could considering the circumstances. I like that they made Namor and his people Mayan or Aztec or whatever. I think it’s cool they got some spotlight.

I don’t mind the black girl magic. Some scenes just hit different like her fighting Namor. The first battle between BP and Namor should have been Tchalla so that just irked me a little but again nothing you could do about that.

I just don’t know where they go from here. Age up the new tchalla and just continue on like he’s the OG? I don’t envy the writers for the next movie.

Maybe pull a Trunks from DBZ storyline? Have T’Challa from the future or another universe come in :yeshrug: Outside of that, I don’t know how they’re gonna do it. They can’t skip over 15-20 years of material and timeline for other characters just for T’Challa.


Dec 19, 2017
How do y'all manage to completely ignore all nuance with this shyt???

All of the various Batman and Superman castings are different continuities and universes (with the exception of Val Kilmer and George Clooney in Forever and Batman & Robin and those two movies are trash anyway). And none of those actors tragically died after one movie that crushed the buildings and made a huge cultural imprint.

Like, how do you guys keep ignoring how much his death hangs a cloud over shyt? You simply can't proceed business as usual for a character that important in a movie that's literally in the same continuity. And then think about all the cast & crew that are grieving his death...it's far more authentic and respectful to make a movie that actual channels and addresses the real life grief of loss rather than trying to pretend it didn't happen.

Can't ignore the Elephant in the room.
nikkas don’t actually give a fukk about paying homage to the gravitas and loss of a black man Chadwick …nikka was just a replaceable NPC to them :francis:


All Star
Jun 15, 2018
Haven't seen it, but thank y'all for the analysis and spoilers. I am firmly in the re-cast T'Challa camp but

They have a chance now to make his son the best version of T'Challa from the comics...a strategic and scientific genius. His auntie is Shuri, so no excuse for him to not have those super science attributes. If Marvel really invests in this, the future of T'Challa in the MCU will be secure.


Jan 28, 2013
]That doesn’t make any sense though. Hiding a heir in a developing or third world country with a history of being destabilized by European powers and the United States as well as natural disasters with poor infrastructure and high violent rates would not necessarily bring about a positive outcome even with his mother being a major activist. Lil man can easily walk the path of Killmonger being radicalized and even being resentful of having his past hiding from him or at the very least upset that he was forced to suffer and watch the suffering of others when he could have been in Wakanda. Also, none of what you mentioned makes him fit to be a king to a group of people with a unique culture, history, and tradition that they are proud of nor is their any guarantee he will connect to a culture he has no real engagement with. It was a cop out to the demands of recasting Chadwick [/SPOILER

It reminds me of Looper a bit. Which is one of my favorite movies :banderas:

Killmonger grew up without his father, after finding him dead in their house, and his mother was in prison. He grew up an orphan in Oakland during the 90s knowing he came from a powerful country but they left him out in the cold. T’Chaka was very fukked up for that. That’s trauma.

Toussaint/T’Challa will never grow up like that. He’ll grow up with his mom, his aunt, his culture through them and knowing he’s loved. Nakia can also take him back to Wakanda the moment he’s a little older (15-16ish). It’s not the same.


Jan 28, 2013
After a 2nd viewing I gotta say, even in a turtleneck sweater, Lake Bell's titties were tittying.:whoo:

Also in the 2nd viewing I noticed that T'Challa Jr was one of the first kids that greated Queen Ramona when she first entered the school in Haiti

I love how you thought she was going to be an important part of the story and it was like, nope she’s irrelevant. Glad they barely had any white saviors in this movie. That’s my HTMIIA PAWG though :wow:


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
Just walked out of my second showing and loved it even more than the first time.

This film is fukking beautiful.

I don't even agree with the critique that Riri was tacked on. She is the representation of T'Challa's will to help those in need outside of Wakanda - especially the "Lost Tribe".

That's why
she was saved from drowning by the Queen

Her americanized perspective was important to connecting it to the first film. Riri was awesome. Folks hating on her prolly stop speaking ebonics around their white friends or have white girlfriends :pachaha:
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May 1, 2012
206 & 734
Metal robot suits is the quickest way to give regular humans super powers. The Midnight Angels are supposed to be personal bodyguards of the BP

That is and can be true, but it is still very very repetitive. All of the characters i listed are canon too. But we’ve had like 15 movies with flying robot people, its super done, just like “airship crashing to the ground in act 3” was, and “fighting cgi monsters in the climax” is now.

This movie really brought nothing new to the genre. Thats why i have it at a B / B+
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May 1, 2012
206 & 734
That's what you're going to get in this fantasy world. Sorry to break it to you.
That is a huge cop out considering there are infinite stories to tell, characters to introduce, ways to tell the heroes journey. Giving more humans robot suits is tired as fukk. Its like 50% of the mcu but like 6% of marvel comics.


Wtf u talkin bout? Ya Bish
May 28, 2012
FayetteNam, North Carolina #byrdgang
Just came back from seeing it. Maaaaaaan kudos to coogler for making wine out of water. I truly have to give respect to the writers for making something this dope out of those circumstances. This was a film brehs. From the script to the incredible acting (that throne room scene was fuego). Everybody did their thang in this. Namor was menacing af at the drop of a hat. Loved how he was calm yet could put fear in u effortlessly. And another one for the fukk cacs gang :blessed:
loved shuri and riri with the Batman prep scene to figure out how to beat him.
The black girl magic was dope in this shyt. I need to watch it again but I honestly think this might have topped the first for me. The action was waaaaay better and the acting was so top tier. Plus it had more than a few scenes that I didn’t see coming. I might check it out again tomorrow. Props to whoever implemented the music as well. I honestly can’t remember a movies soundtrack being the score like that. I need to put that on the playlist asap. Didn’t listen to the Rihanna song before the film but I liked it. The little girl next to me knew the words already lol
Mar 23, 2015
Saw the film yesterday, I enjoyed it - here's some of my thoughts and opinions as someone who is part of the recast T'Challa crowd, the positives and otherwise:


The movie is the best in phase 4, quite easily imo. Also a self contained story which is nice, you don't NEED to watch all MCU movies to get this outside of BP1.

"El Nino Sin Amor" is HARD asf, dudes name is a bar on its own. Talocan was portrayed to be really interesting, would love to see more of it - did they ride the currents there or was it a water vortex? I also thought Namor conceding as a political strategy was fine cuz he is clearly still scheming.

The women of course really shined - seeing my girl have a kick out of it helps me not focus as much on the lack of male presence on the Wakandan side lol.

Angela Bassett as Ramonda really stole the show, she had a royal presence in every scene

Shuri was great too - for all people complained about the women leads in phase 4, Shuri is easily the best - also her personality is a lot closer to the comics now (brash, stubborn, etc) ... her arc about revenge makes sense, I also liked how they continue to highlight Tchalla by her saying Tchalla taught her all the science shyt. Her experience in the ancestral plane was also interesting.

The subtle points about Haiti (while having France pull their typical colonizer shyt) was a nice touch - my girl is Haitian and got a kick out of TchallaJr being named Toussaint as well.

The general points about the world wanting Vibranium and scheming on Wakanda is real - Thunderbolts should not be able to get whatever it is they after tho (if they invade)

now, things I thought could be better:

- The action/set pieces: There were good moments but it could be better - from the scale to camerawork etc. For all the good storytelling in this film, the action was lacking by comparison.

- Toussaint/Tchalla* - how they handle this moving forward will determine how I feel about this being their compromise for recasting Tchalla ... quite frankly, no Tchalla fan tryna see him in young avengers or whatever sidekick role, so the only route would be some time/future hijinx where an adult version of him is leading a future Avengers team, and they gotta work with the present day to stop Kang or some shyt ... we will see.

- M'baku could have had more to do outside of his one-liners and counselling Shuri imo. I am so happy for black women to have the spotlight for this film, but if Ima nitpick then the men in Wakanda was sidelined in some regards. I'm glad it was implied in the end he is gonna run the country, while Shuri is the panther.

- Personally not a fan of writing the illness into the story but thats just me
- the midnight angel suits were ehhhh ... also kinda took away from RiRi's moment in the end imo

Overall, I think y'all should still watch it and form your opinion - I maintain 20mins into this that it was already better than Thor 4. Even if my complaints never gets addressed, or they never do Tchalla right again, I'm still not mad that this film exists (outside of the few things I think could've been better).

A solid 7.5/10 film imo.
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Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
I don't see how it would be harder to recast than to just use an existing character.

Shuri is an established character in the comics, they hinted that she wants to be black panther in the first film and in the black panther Canon she took over for a whole volume. If he has a child, they'll likely introduce T'challas child in this movie, and shuri will be his mentor. He's going to end up being the black panther from the comics. A sorceror, tech genius and expert hunter and martial artist. He may even end up communing with bast and being led to a NEW heart shaped herb.

I know nikkas loved MCU black panther but he wasn't the same as the comics equivalent. This is the way they can bring that character to the big screen. T'challa dies unexpectedly but leaves behind an heir that's too young to take over. Shuri teaches him how to fight, teaches him the history, and realizes his brain is like a sponge and he's not only soaking up the lessons about tech and fighting, but he's inventing shyt on his own. Within a few movies we'll watch him grow up and he'll take over the mantle when it's time. nikkas just don't wanna be patient but I see the long term plan in motion. This is marvel we're talking about here. It will especially bring in younger fans because they can relate to the young kid growing up with them on the screen like how teenagers who started stranger things grew up with the same characters.

As a reminder, black panther was one of the people who saved the world if not THE savior during the second secret wars story line with God emperor doom and the universes colliding with each other.

Called this shyt :wow: