The biggest problem with this movie is that it invalidated the first movie/what came before and removed Wakandas uniqueness both in and out of film.
Wakanda went from the most advanced nation who had the power to destroy the world (spies who can topple nations were on standby waiting for a green light if needed) and strong enough thwart Alien invasions to getting comfortably washed by Atlantis who are a stronger version of Wakanda.
Vibranium was exclusive to Wakanda, now here another nation also have it.
Wakanda had the superpowered herb, Now another nation has it but a better version.
The first movie makes you believe there is no threat to Wakanda which is why The Avengers even went there in Infinity War for help, now all of sudden, The Amerikkkan government feel strong enough to roll in. Hell their tech can now even be "bugged"

. They're just "another nation" now.
Wakanda was able to revive the CAC CIA Agent from the brink of death, were able to cure a brainwashed solider but now suddenly can't save T'Challa from an illness?
Killmonger is a liberator in the first movie fighting for black freedom and to empower black people globally now it's made out he's just this vengeful savage.
It reminded me a lot of The Last Jedi in how it shytted on the previous movie before it and torpedoed everything built up. You can't watch them back to back.
Like do we need to even see Wakanda again? Does anyone care if a sequel is never made? don't really think so. You can't say anyone thought that after BP1 which had you wanting to see what happened next.
Maybe this was Coogler's way of trying to exit the franchise