I'll say this if you played the last of us 2 and have a problem with the final boss battle ending, well you gonna hate this

Low-key the movie follows a lot of the heartbeats of that game.
This movie was a solid 7, it had the potential to be a homerun 10.
1) This movie was more about honoring chadwhick rather than the character. I get, it. And while that made some of the more powerful scenes even more impactful I also feel like it overall hurt the movie experience.
I understand that he pretty much defined the character with much behind the scenes discussions and him himself. But the movie only really shines when they are a ) reflecting on chadwhick aka tchalla b ) Angela bassett is on screen c ) Narmor was on screen.
2) This movie basically had the exact same problems as the 1st one, maybe people can be a bit more honest about how the 1st one while power wasn't really good and Black panther wasn't star.
To rant on point 2 a bit, It's amazing how the movie fails in the exact same spots. The fight scenes, the cgi, and waste of good characters... while at the sametime manges to have black panther really scrubish and weak in comparison to everyone else.
Shuri as the Bp didn't bother me but her being as skinny as she was and fighting namor with "hulk level strength potentially" just nah.. Also her all of a sudden knowing how to fight

The 1st have of the movie all the way up to the climax is great 9 or so, then when it's time to wrap up plot points and motives it just slowly trickles down into 7 terrority. I wouldn't be upset if someone said its a 6.
Her having a 3d printer for the herb is also

But I can accept it.
This movie tries to do a bit too much, it wants to show strong black women, but at the sametime it shows them acting rashly. It wants to poo poo on white people(and america) while showing not all white people are bad. It tries to squeeze in agenda points towards the end.
I feel like this movie would have been better rated R potentially.
Finally sadly like all marvel movies of phase 4... You walk out feeling like. What's the point? And then on top of that a bit sad and deflated.
And for a marvel movie I'm not sure that's what you want the audience to leave feeling like.