Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014

That would’ve been a bad decision and a very bad choice.:bryan:

I hate to say it but you know how we black people be sometimes :mjgrin:

We overthink & over complain and someone would’ve jumped to
“Fiegie/Marvel being racist!”
“Damn they can’t trust a black man to make good fight scenes/ his movie??”

“Fiegie would’ve NEVER done this to {insert white director}😡

Black Twitter/Fake angry Coli Mob and Dem Clown Stan’s LOOKING for weakness would’ve pounced on that.

And you’s a good stand up dude…. But I don’t fully trust or feel confident you would’ve stepped up and been like “hey guys, no don’t be like that…. That was my choice and what I wanted” and defended that move.:russ:

You wouldve been like George Bush in that classroom when he was told about 9/11

Or like Trump watching the attack on the capital :mjgrin:

I mean I had I wouldnt have thought it at the time. Seemed like Ryan could handle something like that. However, once they were talking last min reshoots I would have just told the cast head to the IW/Endgame set 😂
Mar 11, 2022
I feel as though I have to judge this movie on a curve. The cast and crew were in an incredibly tough bind of trying to find a way to honor Chadwick/T'Challa (there was no need to recast) while keeping it moving. The cast and crew should feel immensely proud of the movie they created as they honored their friend very well.

With that being said,
The movie was just "ok." The action sequences outside of the first fight between Okoye and Attuma were forgettable.

If anything, the length of the movie is what hurt it for me. The longer it went on, the more I started watching and reflecting on the movie through a critical lens. By the time of the third act/final fight, I slowly started to tune out. At the same time however, although I felt the movie was too long, off the top of my head, I can't think of a specific sequence I would cut. I thought the exploration of Talokan was wonderful, although as an aside, having a trailer for Avatar 2 before the movie made the cgi feel weak.

Seeing as though this is a movie centered on grief, and how we as humans process it, this movie needed a lot of "heart". Angela Bassett was the "heart" of this movie. She carried the movie until she died. I noticed that after said spoiler, the movie seemed to go off the rails, along with my enthusiasm while watching.

It was also after aforementioned spoiler, that I got the feeling that this is where Chadwick was truly missed in regards to the story. Once Killmonger made his appearance, it gave me a sense that the original story would've centered around the almighty noble T'Challa having to fight his inner demons of seeking vengeance as a measure to cope with Namor killing his mother. That would've made the Killmonger cameo incredible as you would have to imagine that T'Challa would've went to the ancestral place looking for his mother, only to find the cousin he killed. :ahh: Having Shuri see Killmonger didn't move the needle at all for me.

Speaking of not moving the needle, Riri's presence was underwhelming to me, along with Michaela Cole's character.

Namor, Lupita (:noah:), and Danai were great in this. Letitia was okay, although her fits were dope.

Overall, it was an okay movie given the circumstances involved.

7/10 or ***out of *****


May 6, 2012

Who greenlit this?:unimpressed: This looks like some shyt Zordon and Alpha 5 came up with.
Why she got finger waves on her mask? :mjpls:

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I feel as though I have to judge this movie on a curve. The cast and crew were in an incredibly tough bind of trying to find a way to honor Chadwick/T'Challa (there was no need to recast) while keeping it moving. The cast and crew should feel immensely proud of the movie they created as they honored their friend very well.

With that being said,
The movie was just "ok." The action sequences outside of the first fight between Okoye and Attuma were forgettable.

If anything, the length of the movie is what hurt it for me. The longer it went on, the more I started watching and reflecting on the movie through a critical lens. By the time of the third act/final fight, I slowly started to tune out. At the same time however, although I felt the movie was too long, off the top of my head, I can't think of a specific sequence I would cut. I thought the exploration of Talokan was wonderful, although as an aside, having a trailer for Avatar 2 before the movie made the cgi feel weak.

Seeing as though this is a movie centered on grief, and how we as humans process it, this movie needed a lot of "heart". Angela Bassett was the "heart" of this movie. She carried the movie until she died. I noticed that after said spoiler, the movie seemed to go off the rails, along with my enthusiasm while watching.

It was also after aforementioned spoiler, that I got the feeling that this is where Chadwick was truly missed in regards to the story. Once Killmonger made his appearance, it gave me a sense that the original story would've centered around the almighty noble T'Challa having to fight his inner demons of seeking vengeance as a measure to cope with Namor killing his mother. That would've made the Killmonger cameo incredible as you would have to imagine that T'Challa would've went to the ancestral place looking for his mother, only to find the cousin he killed. :ahh: Having Shuri see Killmonger didn't move the needle at all for me.

Speaking of not moving the needle, Riri's presence was underwhelming to me, along with Michaela Cole's character.

Namor, Lupita (:noah:), and Danai were great in this. Letitia was okay, although her fits were dope.

Overall, it was an okay movie given the circumstances involved.

7/10 or ***out of *****

I believe what you said was the most important thing that everyone needs to take in consideration for this film.

In addition to all of them grieving in their own way to make this movie.

It’s like everyone also forgot this movie was made in the Pandemic and how Lupita was being a MENACE and had this movie shut down like once or twice

They was dealing with a lot while filming this :russ:


May 24, 2022
Nathan But Spoilers.


TL:DR - The plot was sort of weak. The motivations for the main characters were weird. But Great acting, Great World Building, Great Effects, one on one fights were good, the main comic-book-y fight at the end was just another CGI fest. That said, if you spend most of your time on TLR, Skip it.

TBH, I was kinda cool on BP1, but after seeing this BP2 - BP is now a 10.
NGL, Chadwick's death hit me in a way that I didn't really expect. Wasn't some superfan, but it hurt to see a brother in his prime just get cut down by disease like that. Shed a manly tear at the beginning of that mug. Seems like the actresses (and the film was all women) was holding back the tears every time they broke the Bechdel Test.

Namor - Sin Amor - *chef's kiss* - Making Namor into a Meso-American and not faux greek like most of Atlanta was a great move. They definitely put their foot into everything about the era - especially the casting. Usually Mexican actors lean more colonizer than colonized. They kept it La Raza.

That said, I get his anti-colonial mentality. But how the beef got started with Wakanda was a STRETCH. In the real world, what would make Belize fight Benin? It's only when you pit Black vs Brown in a situation of scarce resources that we see friction. Not that y'all tryna hear that in 2022.

Namor's motivation to protect his lands (sea?) was admirable, much like Black Adam (and low key, maybe high key Killmonger) - but kill some random scientist?

Maybe science don't work too good under the water - but the Feds/Illuminati would have built another Vibranium Finder.

Ol boy was electric though. Deserves his own movie, and I will be first in line with some elotes and a mangonada.

Queen Ramonda - Stella should have got her Oscar groove a long time ago, but she was acting her wig off in this. I think the spoiled some of her best stuff in the trailer, but she brought it.

- I agree, that costume/power rangers suit was ugly. Taking that L for having an ashy scalp...I mean they could have went someplace else with it. But she really held it down in all of her scenes. I wasn't really checking for her in Winter Soldier (She was in that right?) - but they gave her something to work with here.

W'Kabi - smh. Black man following his rightful king stuck in the county.

Elaine Benes - Sometimes I like Julia Louis Dreyfus - but I couldn't really tell if she was playing it straight. And her tryna smash Ross? And then they change horses midstream... I dunno. And she powered up real major by being the director of the CIA... That part was weird.
Were they trying to say something?

Marvel - Yo Coog!
Ryan Coogler - That will be Mr. Coogler to you.
Kevin 3000 - Yeah, I need you to work some of this set up stuff in for the next movies...
Ryan Coogler - I'm trying to finish this thing right now, I already put ol girl in this movie so she can have her little Disney + show...

RiRi Williams - The actress played this chick way too mannish for my tastes. It's not helping that Shuri don't present super feminine...but having Riri be "street smart", with a smart mouth, and then scared little girl, and her convoluted back story of her dad being a mechanic, the Dodge, the awful Iron Man suit (without even a shoutout to Stark...)

Honestly, they didn't give her much to do in this film - other than be the "prize".

M'Baku - Winston Duke always steals the scene when he's on screen. He got in some one liners, so just enough sauce. I could see him getting annoying if they made him the BP.

Killmonger - Was Right and still is. I loved that that was who she met on the ancestral plane. That said Wallace only know how to play Wallace. MBJ was not good in Rainbow Six. He's not even good in that animated show gen:Lock.

Ross - Ross been working out. Other than that, they didn't give him much to do. I hope they don't drop Bilbo Baggins, but not sure if I want to keep seeing him as the "colonizer" punch lines either. Wakanda - "You know we're just joking right..."...

Shuri - As the Black Panther -...I mean I guess Black Boys can look up to the new Captain America - and Black Girls got Riri, Captain Marvel, Shuri, and everyone else.

Shuri as Shuri - Ms. Wright really acted her ass off in this. I think her relationship with her Brother didn't have enough set up given the last few films. It's not like Bart and Lisa Simpson scenario, where we've seen them for decades. Seeing both the antagonism and the love. But she did come into her own after a while.

I said this before, but "Why" the characters do what they do is the key to a good movie.

Why doesn't Shuri just hand over Riri?

Is Riri the sibling that she could not protect? (a substitute for Chadwick?)

They tried to bring this in with Killmonger during his part...

But Shuri's motivation is just anger? vengeance?

Against who? Against what?

She's angry about losing T'Challa, about not being able to help him even with her skills, but that's not the main tension in the movie.

The main issue is that she can't get Namor to agree with not killing Riri.

Coogler never connects Shuri's internal struggle about anger over her brother's death to the need to protect Riri.

When we get to the climax, and she lets go of her Killmonger-esque notions (Boo, #KillmongerWasRight), and helps Namor instead of killing him...

It's just not satisfying. It's the "end" of her anger - but that is only tangentially related to the plot.

Compared to BP 1 - where T'Challa has to truly embrace being King, be thankful for it after losing it, and then his philosophy (very poorly thought out - like community centers fix the hood) goes up against KillMonger's character/philosophy in a fight to the death.. - Oh wait, I didn't like that movie's ending either....

Namor II - They wrote him into a corner. How does a God to his people (c) M'Baku, explain taking an L, when his people would have slaughtered the Wakandans?

And ultimately that's the problem with his Arc, her Arc, and the plot of the story.

Call me old fashioned - but what I saw was the First World trying to strip resources from the "non-aligned countries aka the 3rd world" - and Wakanda and Talokan should have been joined at the hip. Milestones: 1953–1960 - Office of the Historian

If there was gonna be strife - it should have been Elaine's character sending in some type of agent provocateur to overthrow the government/assassinate a leader etc - The nations of color and resources should have focused their eyes on the TRUE ENEMY...

And that's why they'd never let me write one of these. ..

Power Levels and Comic Book Stuff and Observations
  • Los Avataros were unkillable at the beginning of the film, but play something other than Norteno and they were taking L's?
    • Wakandans would have taken that beat down though.
  • Namor's punch to M'Baku - Is he, Is he dead? (c) Wu Tang Skit
  • Shuri took a vibranium spear through her body. Just push through and walk it off...
  • The 3d printed Herb made Shuri way physically stronger than T'Challa ever was.
  • The Wings didn't work, but they worked for me.
  • Vs Aquaman/Avatar - world building was good, I wished I saw more of it.
  • They did not have Namor swim into Wakanda via the Rio Grande...smh.
Based on my read of The Coli - I don't think most of y'all are gonna dig this.
And if you're a comic book head - you're really not gonna dig this.

But I liked it. I will probably catch again next week when the buzz has died down.


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
Just getting home from watching it. The movie itself isn't good, but no one is going to admit so, at least not within the first coupe of weeks. I don't see them getting many repeat viewings, and there's about 3 too many plot points. Riri is macguffin'd into this, and was not really needed. Namor is all over the place.. Sometimes I was watching like, okay that's Namor, and then it was like WTF is this dude. Even omitting his 616 counterpart, Namor had like 3 different portrayals. Wakanda isn't really a character. Ross is shoehorned into it as well.

All of that talk about Letitia, show some respect for Angela Bassett. She and Danai carried the first half.

Overall, I felt every bit of that almost 3hours, and sadly, it feels like they've closed the chapter on Wakanda in the MCU. Other than Okoye, I don't see them pulling from, or revisiting it at any point in the near future.


Feb 18, 2014
Good movie :obama:


Everyone did an amazing job. I was surprised how much they explored Talokan; reviews made it seem like how they treated Atlantis from the most recent Aquaman. Danai and Angela acted their azz off! Letitia did her thing as well
didn't expect her to see Kilmonger in the Ancestral Plane :skip:

T'Challa's tribute didn't get but Ramonda did:mjcry:
Namor stole the show but I don't know if I like his character or not.

Goddamn Lupita was stunning!:whew: was ready to pull out a ring immediately.

I didn't start feeling the time until the third act. Wasn't feeling Riri like that, she's too "hard" for my liking and most likely fits better as a side character (hopefully the show depicts her better).

Would love to see a Shuri/M'Baku spinoff.
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The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012

I'll say this if you played the last of us 2 and have a problem with the final boss battle ending, well you gonna hate this :mjlol: Low-key the movie follows a lot of the heartbeats of that game.

This movie was a solid 7, it had the potential to be a homerun 10.

1) This movie was more about honoring chadwhick rather than the character. I get, it. And while that made some of the more powerful scenes even more impactful I also feel like it overall hurt the movie experience.

I understand that he pretty much defined the character with much behind the scenes discussions and him himself. But the movie only really shines when they are a ) reflecting on chadwhick aka tchalla b ) Angela bassett is on screen c ) Narmor was on screen.

2) This movie basically had the exact same problems as the 1st one, maybe people can be a bit more honest about how the 1st one while power wasn't really good and Black panther wasn't star.

To rant on point 2 a bit, It's amazing how the movie fails in the exact same spots. The fight scenes, the cgi, and waste of good characters... while at the sametime manges to have black panther really scrubish and weak in comparison to everyone else.

Shuri as the Bp didn't bother me but her being as skinny as she was and fighting namor with "hulk level strength potentially" just nah.. Also her all of a sudden knowing how to fight :francis:
The 1st have of the movie all the way up to the climax is great 9 or so, then when it's time to wrap up plot points and motives it just slowly trickles down into 7 terrority. I wouldn't be upset if someone said its a 6.

Her having a 3d printer for the herb is also:francis: But I can accept it.

This movie tries to do a bit too much, it wants to show strong black women, but at the sametime it shows them acting rashly. It wants to poo poo on white people(and america) while showing not all white people are bad. It tries to squeeze in agenda points towards the end.

I feel like this movie would have been better rated R potentially.

Finally sadly like all marvel movies of phase 4... You walk out feeling like. What's the point? And then on top of that a bit sad and deflated.

And for a marvel movie I'm not sure that's what you want the audience to leave feeling like.
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Marc Spector

the 4'11 Cuban
Aug 7, 2014
The Milky Way
Just got out.

Movie was entertaining....I will give it that.

But...Coogler does not have the sensibility for big budget action movies. Action..fighting....camera movement and cgi was a rehash from BP1.

There was no memorable action or fighting in the movie at all.

And whoever let Namor come to set looking like he only been doing push ups needs to get fired.

This dude did not look like he went to the gym at all for this movie....it was embarrassing given the scale of these movies.

6.5/10.....throw Coogler in the bushes or just do some drama movies going forward.

Oh and Killmonger should have been BP from the jump
i liked the fact that namor wasnt buff as shyt. hes a swimmer and swimmers are lean people :yeshrug:. Also in a weird way, he looked more powerful being a smaller guy who was tossing shyt left and right, insted of being yoked


Mansur Brown - "Heiwa"
May 1, 2012
I wish they explained how they were able to use sonic hypnosis on people. They were obviously are referencing the old tales of Sirens and Mer-people, who were known to use songs to lead sailors to their deaths but they never explained if everyone can do it or only a select few etc. Same with the animal communication, how were they communicating with the dolphins etc

Speaking of which, I'm sure I saw this dolphin get involved in the fracas :troll:

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