
May 6, 2012
what would be a dope ass ability and something that tie's into the "king of the dead" persona/power-set that the writer never do any thing cool with for T'Challa

give him the ability to spawn a hulking mystical were-panther around his body with 100 ton strength it could be the perfect alternative to him just having a Wakandan knock-off hulk-buster

have Bast tell T'Challa in a dream/vision that " keeping Wakanda and Wakanda's greatest warriors close to his heart " would lead to great strength and power for him in "his times of most need"

so T'Challa instinctively go to necropolis and collect's some dirt from the graves of all the past black panther and grinds the dirt sampling into a fine powder then put's them into his black panther habit necklace so he can have it around his neck in casual clothes or his panther habit so he is "keeping Wakanda and Wakanda's greatest warriors close to his heart"

fast forward to T'Challa in a tough fight a really bad match up for him with someone like Black Dwarf/Cull Obsidian all of T'Challa gadgets, Martial Arts, combat intellect ain't working against this big motha fukka strength/size/durability gap is seemingly to big for The Black Panther to over come with out something like a hulk buster armor

but wait T'Challa in "his time of most need" he instinctively releases the dirt from the graves of all the past black panther he turned into powder(i.e."ancestral panther mist") into the air he had put in the habit's necklace it look's like a cloud of black mist around T'Challa he takes a deep breath.. breathing some of the black mist in and then say's in a possessed like voice face the combined "strength and power of Wakanda's greatest warrior's" he then begin to levitate four feet into the air off the ground first with his arms and body go into a crucifix like pose then with his arms crossed in a x like position the black mist swirling around his body spawning/materializing a seven or ten foot hulking mystical were-panther something that can match Black Dwarf/Cull Obsidian with comparable strength/size/durability


T'Challa very own hulk buster armor with out it actually being just a cheap/lazy Wakandan knock-off hulk-buster by the writers .. I just think it a great way to have T'challa use the king of the dead powers and his connection to Bast to actually do something worth a damn with it for once that actually upgrade T'Challa/The Black Panther's power-set/abilities

in "mystical were-panther demigod" form these are some of the abilities he should have at his disposal

- combined Might of The Black Panther's of the past = 100 ton + class strength/durability

- can attack with the ferociousness of an animal or choose to attack with the "trained skill" of Wakanda's greatest fighter's... basically think of it as if The Hulk being able to perform complex martial arts combo's&maneuvers, instead of just mindless/skill-less bawling we see from The Hulk

- the ability to spawn with different golden Copies of ancient melee weapons capable of hurting cosmic & mystical type beings used by the past black panther's such as the spear of Bashenga, clawed gauntlet's, twin African battle axe's, African swords, tribal shields, dual dagger's

- since the the spirit's of the past Black Panther's are the reason the 'mystical were-panther demigod" can even spawn/exist in the first place the were-panther demigod can dematerialize into a pride/pack of mystical panther's representing the past black Panther's in animal forms and attack a enemy in a coordinated horde/swarm of a little bigger than normal panthers with glowing eyes and golden/silver fangs&claws able to damage cosmic, mystical characters and rematerialize back together and reform the were-panther demigod

- travel with the swiftness of the fastest winds = were-panther able to dematerialize into a mist/smoke form and travel through the air/wind at high speed's long distances

at first i though about having T'Challa only being able to access the Were-panther Demigod ability when he is in Wakanda only... but then I decide to make the ability portable by giving him the "ancestral panther mist" to carry it around with him on his Adventures away from Wakanda that help's trigger the transformation

and to stop the Were Panther Demigod ability from being spammed, overused or overshadowing his tech weapons, hand2hand skills, strategic combat mind and scientific intellect ... and stop people always saying shyt like way doesn't he just transform into the Were-panther and easily crush an opponent say like killmonger or like people always asking about Iron man and the hulk buster armor about him not constantly using it in fights/battles to curb stomp mid tier level enemy

have it so that T'Challa has to emotionally feel he is over matched by an opponent "his times of most need" (i.e. cosmic, mystical, 100+ ton strength/durability type's) to even put himself in the mind state to mentally channel the Psychic energy along with inhaling some of the "ancestral panther mist" to access the Were-panther Demigod ability

that way it would never even be on the table for writer's to use against mid tier to upper mid tier enemy/Characters like killmonger, Spider-man, klaw, Iron man, Captain America, because he emotionally & mentally has too much confidence he can beat them or subdue them with his hand2hand skills, high tech weapons, combat smarts no matter how tough the fight is with them therefore the were-panther demigod can't be spammed or used an away it's overshadowing his other abilities and skills

I wish Hickman would have gave us something like this in New Avengers when the Black Dwarf/ The Black Oder invade Wakanda and actually did something cool with the "king of the dead" power set instead of just being a means to having T'Challa getting chastised by the past black panther's and having that wack ass off panel bullshyt with Black Dwarf being defeated
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Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
FYI, this was Chadwick Boseman's favorite Black Panther story/moment in the mythology.



i.e.. BP's fight with Mephisto

Granted, someone like this villain may be a little too taboo... since he's more or less "the devil", but as long as they just roll with the name "Mephisto" and keep him as just a powerful demon ala Dormammu, etc. this could probably work.
The problem is that they already did something similar in the climax of the ghost rider movie.


May 7, 2012
what would be a dope ass ability and something that tie's into the "king of the dead" persona/power-set that the writer never do any thing cool with for T'Challa

give him the ability to spawn a hulking mystical were-panther around his body with 100 ton strength it could be the perfect alternative to him just having a Wakandan knock-off hulk-buster

have Bast tell T'Challa in a dream/vision that " keeping Wakanda and Wakanda's greatest warriors close to his heart " would lead to great strength and power for him in "his times of most need"

so T'Challa instinctively go to necropolis and collect's some dirt from the graves of all the past black panther and grinds the dirt sampling into a fine powder then put's them into his black panther habit necklace so he can have it around his neck in casual clothes or his panther habit so he is "keeping Wakanda and Wakanda's greatest warriors close to his heart"

fast forward to T'Challa in a tough fight a really bad match up for him with someone like Black Dwarf/Cull Obsidian all of T'Challa gadgets, Martial Arts, combat intellect ain't working against this big motha fukka strength/size/durability gap is seemingly to big for The Black Panther to over come with out something like a hulk buster armor

but wait T'Challa in "his time of most need" he instinctively releases the dirt from the graves of all the past black panther he turned into powder(i.e."ancestral panther mist") into the air he had put in the habit's necklace it look's like a cloud of black mist around T'Challa he takes a deep breath.. breathing some of the black mist in and then say's in a possessed like voice face the combined "strength and power of Wakanda's greatest warrior's" he then begin to levitate four feet into the air off the ground first with his arms and body go into a crucifix like pose then with his arms crossed in a x like position the black mist swirling around his body spawning/materializing a seven or ten foot hulking mystical were-panther something that can match Black Dwarf/Cull Obsidian with comparable strength/size/durability


T'Challa very own hulk buster armor with out it actually being just a cheap/lazy Wakandan knock-off hulk-buster by the writers .. I just think it a great way to have T'challa use the king of the dead powers and his connection to Bast to actually do something worth a damn with it for once that actually upgrade T'Challa/The Black Panther's power-set/abilities

in "mystical were-panther demigod" form these are some of the abilities he should have at his disposal

- combined Might of The Black Panther's of the past = 100 ton + class strength/durability

- can attack with the ferociousness of an animal or choose to attack with the "trained skill" of Wakanda's greatest fighter's... basically think of it as if The Hulk being able to perform complex martial arts combo's&maneuvers, instead of just mindless/skill-less bawling we see from The Hulk

- the ability to spawn with different golden Copies of ancient melee weapons capable of hurting cosmic & mystical type beings used by the past black panther's such as the spear of Bashenga, clawed gauntlet's, twin African battle axe's, African swords, tribal shields, dual dagger's

- since the the spirit's of the past Black Panther's are the reason the 'mystical were-panther demigod" can even spawn/exist in the first place the were-panther demigod can dematerialize into a pride/pack of mystical panther's representing the past black Panther's in animal forms and attack a enemy in a coordinated horde/swarm of a little bigger than normal panthers with glowing eyes and golden/silver fangs&claws able to damage cosmic, mystical characters and rematerialize back together and reform the were-panther demigod

- travel with the swiftness of the fastest winds = were-panther able to dematerialize into a mist/smoke form and travel through the air/wind at high speed's long distances

at first i though about having T'Challa only being able to access the Were-panther Demigod ability when he is in Wakanda only... but then I decide to make the ability portable by giving him the "ancestral panther mist" to carry it around with him on his Adventures away from Wakanda that help's trigger the transformation

and to stop the Were Panther Demigod ability from being spammed, overused or overshadowing his tech weapons, hand2hand skills, strategic combat mind and scientific intellect ... and stop people always saying shyt like way doesn't he just transform into the Were-panther and easily crush an opponent say like killmonger or like people always asking about Iron man and the hulk buster armor about him not constantly using it in fights/battles to curb stomp mid tier level enemy

have it so that T'Challa has to emotionally feel he is over matched by an opponent "his times of most need" (i.e. cosmic, mystical, 100+ ton strength/durability type's) to even put himself in the mind state to mentally channel the Psychic energy along with inhaling some of the "ancestral panther mist" to access the Were-panther Demigod ability

that way it would never even be on the table for writer's to use against mid tier to upper mid tier enemy/Characters like killmonger, Spider-man, klaw, Iron man, Captain America, because he emotionally & mentally has too much confidence he can beat them or subdue them with his hand2hand skills, high tech weapons, combat smarts no matter how tough the fight is with them therefore the were-panther demigod can't be spammed or used an away it's overshadowing his other abilities and skills

I wish Hickman would have gave us something like this in New Avengers when the Black Dwarf/ The Black Oder invade Wakanda and actually did something cool with the "king of the dead" power set instead of just being a means to having T'Challa getting chastised by the past black panther's and having that wack ass off panel bullshyt with Black Dwarf being defeated

+Rep coming your way once it's enabled.

Brilliant fukking post. Hickman dropped the ball bad on King of the Dead. Hell, the fact that Thanos's is simping Lady Death and T'Challa's title is King of the Dead would just open up all types of story telling if a writer simply had vision. But that's another subtopic.

Regarding what you said, Al Ewing did one of your ideas in his Ultimates book but I think he was forced to use another animal god apart from Bast because Coates book had the Wakandan gods off the grid for whatever plotline was going on. Basically he had T'Challa conquier an ancient tiger god and be able to possess his powers





Basically BP can morph into a cosmic tiger god that can destroy Galactus-level beings. The current problem with this however, is that afterwards T'Challa has the tiger god spirit contained in this ball [basically like a pokeball] but no context has been given to whether he can just use it at a whim or what restrictions there are. So as of now it's simply being ignored by other writers.

This is where your idea for restrictions could come into play... although i would modify it and change it to where it is ultimately up to the god/gods/spirits to decide whether it's worth channeling their power to T'Challa. That way BP knows that he can't always count on it even when things are dire because of how fickle/unreliable gods can be


May 7, 2012
Oh and absolutely, KotD should enable BP to not just materialize that stupid spear we see in Coates run but any past Wakandan weapon used by a previous Black Panther. And he also should be able to call on black panther warrior spirits as well; hell, i still want him to be able to control the damn zombies/undead like he did in Secret Wars lol. But I want him to be able to summon them as well, like how Coates inexplicably had Shuri do, as if he were giving her T'Challa's KotD abilities.

MCU wise, these are things I would want for the 3rd BP movie, and/or if they do an Avengers: Secret Wars. Basically the same way Iron Man evolved to bleeding edge by Infinity War, BP similarly should have a natural progression where we see all the cool ish he gets in the comics.


May 7, 2012
'Black Panther' Post-Credits Scene With Winter Soldier Was Cut Down

Audiences were surprised when Black Panther ended with a post-credits scene featured Bucky Barnes, formerly the Winter Soldier, seemingly cured of his HYDRA conditioning and enjoying some downtime in Wakanda.

That short scene was originally much longer in one of the edits of the film, with a lot of Bucky's interactions with Shuri being cut out from the final version. Sebastian Stan revealed the changes while speaking at a panel in Wizard World Portland, showing a more inquisitive Bucky.

"There was something really actually funny about that scene. It's definitely better the way it is now, I think. But that scene was at least 8 more minutes long than what we saw. And it was like a more inquisitive Bucky. He was kind of really going, 'What are they calling me?' And [Shuri] was telling him a little about it, and they have more of an interaction. And then he walked over and started hanging out with elders and playing with the kids, but you don't see that."


Coogler shot an 8 minute long post credits scene :wow:


May 7, 2012
I think they should go all out n get Denzel Washington in BP 2
I'd like for them to make Denzel into the next great villain after MBJ's Killmonger, and then do it again with another popular/prestigious black actor for BP 3.

Basically I want that to become a thing, where the BP trilogy is known for these masterfully well written villains and years from now there's nothing but debates ranking which villain was the best

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
I'd like for them to make Denzel into the next great villain after MBJ's Killmonger, and then do it again with another popular/prestigious black actor for BP 3.

Basically I want that to become a thing, where the BP trilogy is known for these masterfully well written villains and years from now there's nothing but debates ranking which villain was the best
Morgan Freeman as villain would be chilling, obviously he'd have to be some sort of mystical threat because he's too old for fight scenes but :ohlawd:


May 7, 2012
That Eraser Denzel though :whew:

Denzel as Achebe [or Mephisto :leon:] with Tetu [young blood with elemental powers] and Zenzi [IG looking thot with psychic powers] as the trio.

And shoot, if they ain't making a Dr. Strange sequel [or even if they are], we'll go ahead and take Dr. Voodoo too as a new homie for T'Challa now that W'Kabi is on some other shyt. Have Jericho be a war dog and ish, i don't give a damn :ahh:


May 7, 2012
Russos Hint at Ryan Coogler For Black Panther 2

ODE spoke to Joe and Anthony Russo as part of Infinity War‘s press tour and asked who has seen the movie prior to the world premiere in just a few days. The Russos understandably have kept the movie out of sight of many, but James Gunn previously revealed he’d seen it. That isn’t just because Gunn’s a producer, but because he’s developing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. His viewing wasn’t the only one, as the Russos say they showed the movie to those developing Phase 4 movies, which Joe Russo says includes Coogler.

We did allow James [Gunn], Jon Watts, and Ryan Coogler to see the movie to this point. So, yes you have to be working on a film that this will be affecting your storytelling moving forward.