Two things I think was whiffed in the finale.
- Someone earlier said it best about Loki being too much like a hero. I get that his character arc is him re-assesing his life but the change is dramatic enough for him to be bland as the show went on. His verbal sparring with Mobius was the highlight of the show early on, that wit just disappears later.
If they're going to have another season then they should have dialed back simp Loki a bit. They could have retained his anti-hero rougish element by having him be tempted by Kang's proposal and the ultimate control/power he have. Maybe have him try to tempt Slyvie as well, making the offer of them ruling together but the danger of him betraying her also present. Then they fight for real as well as ideologically as she who cant trust & he who can't be trusted.
Instead the whole good guy loki approach just made Slyvie seem irrational, all for a kiss scene.

- I think the Kang performance was lacking. I don't read Marvel comics so I don't have any idea or context on who Kang is and how he is supposed to act. From what the show has given, he's an ancient & lonely scientist driven insane from eons of solitude plus some multiversal war PTSD. Ultimately he feels he's right in the harm he's done but is simply too tired to hold onto the reigns any longer.
But this performance.... Was just a very eccentric guy. Didn't pull off secretly old or traumatized at all. Only slightly pulled off crazy. Just eccentric mainly

exhibit a: 23:09 "and I ended the multiversal war" (mendacity)
exhibit b: 26:55 "grow up sylvie. murderer! hypocrite!! we are all villains here (smile) " (tonal shift on a dime)