QBR is a weak stat. Passer rating is the one you want and he's 28th in passer rating. I mean really, Dak Prescott has the #1 QBR right now. What does QBR really mean? It's a made up and pointless stat...
By no realistic thought process is Kyler a middle of the pack QB...
Stop. He's playing better than Baker is right now, but Baker played better last year than Kyler is now. Kyler has played 5 games, relax. He ain't blowing anybody's socks off...
Dak is Kyler's ceiling. I would be totally shocked if he was any better than Dak...
Meaningless stat. We are in the age where teams pass the ball at a much higher rate than they did even when Luck came in, in '12. Of course he has the most completions ever lol...
If your dumbass is comparing him to dak then this convo is meaningless.