Official 'JUSTICE LEAGUE' Thread

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Cyborg To Appear In Flash Movie
Smart. Get the audience wanting a Cyborg film.

I finally just played the injustice game. Never noticed before that both flash and cyborgs look for the films is straight outta that game/comic.


Jul 16, 2013
Cyborg To Appear In Flash Movie

they said before that it was gonna be a buddy/team up type film...which is cool....cause while flash can carry a film by himself, cyborg cant....he doesnt deserve a solo film cause he's not really a solo hero...he should be in all team-up type movies....if he's a hit in jl and the flash team up, wb would be smart to use him to spin it off into a teen titans movies....


May 2, 2012
Get the audience wanting a Cyborg film.


they said before that it was gonna be a buddy/team up type film...which is cool....cause while flash can carry a film by himself, cyborg cant....he doesnt deserve a solo film cause he's not really a solo hero...he should be in all team-up type movies....if he's a hit in jl and the flash team up, wb would be smart to use him to spin it off into a teen titans movies....

So the only black member of the JL is also the only one who doesn't deserve a solo movie? :mjpls:


May 2, 2012
:usure: name me some cyborg villians and good story arcs for him. dnt nobody wanna see this tin man ass nikka :camby:

Cyborg has only been pushed relatively recently as a solo character. He just got his first ongoing about a year ago and his Rebirth one hasn't launched yet. So that question really isn't fair.

Bet you wouldn't be asking that about some no-name white superhero. :mjpls:


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
So some people are going to like this some aren't but its news so do with it what you will. The spit curl is back and the suit is lighter

And then this interview with Deborah Snyder that argues a point thats been beat to death

“Zack really loves Joseph Campbell and the hero’s journey. And these characters are just so mythic, and their journeys – I always say their journeys are what we can relate to. Because we can’t relate to their powers, so what do you have? That’s the great thing about our Superman. He is more relatable. Someone said, ‘It’s so dark,’ and I go, ‘Well, is it dark? He’s going through real problems that we go through as people every day.’”

“So I don’t think that’s dark, I think that’s just who we are. People are complex, we’re not strictly just the good Boy Scout trying to do good. He does want to do good, and I think all of the things Superman represents are who he is, but he also stumbles along the way and learns from it. To me, that’s so much more interesting.”

Deborah Snyder Discusses New DCU Batman, Superman, And More

It's an interesting interview on the whole but i think the one thing that DC is doing that I do appreciate is showing how they become or grow into who fans know them as. I know that doesn't work for everyone and deconstruction isn't an easy or fun thing to digest but if done well it's really dope to me. Marvel does the same thing but in the opposite direction. They present their heroes as people know them and then peel back the layers to show they're deeper than the stereotypes, which is also a dope way to go about it


I Pitty Da Fool
Aug 12, 2013
Cyborg has only been pushed relatively recently as a solo character. He just got his first ongoing about a year ago and his Rebirth one hasn't launched yet. So that question really isn't fair.

Bet you wouldn't be asking that about some no-name white superhero. :mjpls:
of course not he's not a representation of my people nikka fukk wong with you. i want john stewart and have steel pop up in MOS 2 and black lightning for an outsiders movie. cyborg shldnt be pushed as a solo hero he support like falcon, think i wanna see a falcon only movie (dnt get me wrong dat nikka was killin shyt in civil war :wow: )


Apr 30, 2012
And then this interview with Deborah Snyder that argues a point thats been beat to death

Deborah Snyder Discusses New DCU Batman, Superman, And More

It's an interesting interview on the whole but i think the one thing that DC is doing that I do appreciate is showing how they become or grow into who fans know them as. I know that doesn't work for everyone and deconstruction isn't an easy or fun thing to digest but if done well it's really dope to me. Marvel does the same thing but in the opposite direction. They present their heroes as people know them and then peel back the layers to show they're deeper than the stereotypes, which is also a dope way to go about it
Should Superman Really Be Dealing With Everyday Problems'?

As a long-term Superman fan — I have, I confess, been buying Superman comics on-and-off-but-mostly-on for 30 years this year; I was that kid lured in by rebooting the character in 1986 — I feel conflicted about what Snyder is saying here. On the one hand, she's right: A conflicted, imperfect Superman is a more interesting character. That feels like a no-brainer to me; a perfect character generates no inner conflict, so, of course, it follows that a Superman who stumbles has more internal story potential. But then again … isn't Superman going through "real problems" missing the point of Superman?

One of my favorite eras of Superman in the comic books is the late 1950s/early 1960s. In those days, Superman was intended to be a perfect character — despite harboring some very creepy attitudes towards pranking his friends to "teach them a lesson," Lois Lane in particular — but it worked, because the story engine was built in such a way that the stories were never actually about Superman: "His" problems were all external, with the paternal Man of Steel spending each story helping others find the solution to their problems, some sense of closure or a transformative experience.

But even those problems (as close to "real" problems as the genre got at the time) were handled in a way that underscored the fantastical — and, ultimately, optimistic — nature of the genre itself. Financial problems or personal problems would be fixed with the assistance of aliens, or magical beings, or trips through time. And the problems, importantly, always had a fix; there were no explosions of courtrooms where Superman was on trial for endangering civilians, nor rampaging monsters who could only be stopped with Superman's death. Everything had a solution, and everything ended happily ever after. These were modern fairy tales, more or less.

There's something in the idea of Superman "going though real problems that we go through as people every day" that feels misguided to me, in light of this fairy tale past. Superman is, very purposefully, not a realistic character. For some reason, those who want to see him deal with realistic problems and self-doubt can accept that he's an alien from another planet who can do impossible things, but find the idea that he can have a moral code stronger than regular people's, or somehow finds a way to solve every problem and save everyone, too ridiculous for words. It's a selective cognitive dissonance that is, at its heart, inexplicable: Why is one fantasy more believable than the other?

I actually really like Man of Steel and Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, despite my fondness for a "perfect" Superman, in part because I can separate myself from "my" Superman to see the potential in the Snyder take. But I also see the events of those two movies as building towards a Superman I recognize as somewhat close to my own, however slowly it happens: one who believes that he can transcend everyday problems and inspire others in the process. If producers are hoping to keep Superman flawed throughout his entire movie career, I can imagine myself losing interest — after all, what kind of character learns nothing across however many movies he'll appear in? — and wouldn't be surprised if others find their own interest waning as well.

It's a good thing to want to make Superman relatable, especially in his earliest appearances in the new movie universe, but he's meant for better things ultimately. There's a reason people know the phrase "Look, up in the sky!" after all — Superman is meant to be the superhero who we look up to, no matter what incarnation you're used to. He's relatable, not because he shares our problems, but because he's the person we want to be, deep down.


May 11, 2012
East ATL
So some people are going to like this some aren't but its news so do with it what you will. The spit curl is back and the suit is lighter

And then this interview with Deborah Snyder that argues a point thats been beat to death

Deborah Snyder Discusses New DCU Batman, Superman, And More

It's an interesting interview on the whole but i think the one thing that DC is doing that I do appreciate is showing how they become or grow into who fans know them as. I know that doesn't work for everyone and deconstruction isn't an easy or fun thing to digest but if done well it's really dope to me. Marvel does the same thing but in the opposite direction. They present their heroes as people know them and then peel back the layers to show they're deeper than the stereotypes, which is also a dope way to go about it

That pic is from BvS breh. They're trying to keep his involvement under wraps throughout production which is almost done