Official 'JUSTICE LEAGUE' Thread


Nov 5, 2015
A house built on a bad foundation is a bad house. No amount of fancy brick or appliances will fix it.

I didn't have a problem with the way Affleck portrayed a grim, cynical Batman.

But the central conflict based on a cynical Batman who lets Leto Joker and Harley live, after killing a Robin, but must kill the Superman who is saving crews on boats, hurricane victims, and else without a word despite being on the other side of a river for both cities is.......

No investigation of what happened, just maybe he might be bad one day based on a nightmare is enough to kill him but nothing about the actual villains killing people. Terrible characterization.

Didn't the Flash tv show adapt the story with none of those elements? Just focusing on the character development of Barry Allen?

Civil War the movie is a pail imitation to the Earth spanning comic. Winter Soldier was a vast conspiracy by the Red Skull to reshape reality turned into a small government thriller. Adaptations don't have to use much if any of the elements from the comics.

It's not like the multiverse needs to be setup now. Give Barry a movie to world-build but they don't trust the character's ability to pull audiences on his own.

You missed affleck's batman entire angle, it's like he says "how many started off good, then how many stayed that way".
Batman fighting other humans with the capability of committing mass murder is one thing.

Fight a alien with superpowers with the ability to destroy the entire planet is another. It's the same reasoning lex luther had minus the jealousy angle.

Batman is probably late 40's or early 50's in BVS, I'm guessing after the death of robin, which is the straw that broke the camel's back, he doesnt take chance's or risk that he cant afford to lose.

He cant just kill harley an the joker because there human, but he doesn't view superman as human, he views him as a alien capable of mass destruction, he sees superman as a weapon. It's almost a matter of human survival with the damage that a evil superman can due, then he has those visions and then the flash comes and plays him a visit via speed force and his first message is "you were right to fear him"
What do you expect him to do at that point?
the fate of the planet is in his hands, he thinks superman may have to been shutdown permanently, it's not like you can just put him jail, the earth is not equipped to imprison someone like superman which also what lex was saying, which is why it was so easy for lex to get bruce to take the bait.


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
You missed affleck's batman entire angle, it's like he says "how many started off good, then how many stayed that way".
Batman fighting other humans with the capability of committing mass murder is one thing.

Fight a alien with superpowers with the ability to destroy the entire planet is another. It's the same reasoning lex luther had minus the jealousy angle.

Batman is probably late 40's or early 50's in BVS, I'm guessing after the death of robin, which is the straw that broke the camel's back, he doesnt take chance's or risk that he cant afford to lose.

He cant just kill harley an the joker because there human, but he doesn't view superman as human, he views him as a alien capable of mass destruction, he sees superman as a weapon. It's almost a matter of human survival with the damage that a evil superman can due, then he has those visions and then the flash comes and plays him a visit via speed force and his first message is "you were right to fear him"
What do you expect him to do at that point?
the fate of the planet is in his hands, he thinks superman may have to been shutdown permanently, it's not like you can just put him jail, the earth is not equipped to imprison someone like superman which also what lex was saying, which is why it was so easy for lex to get bruce to take the bait.

No I got that.

But think about what you're saying. As long as the genocide is created by a human, he still won't cross the line but as an alien. It must be eradicated before hand.

So this cynical guy still has a code and reasoning. But can't reason that an alien sent a message threatening to destroy the earth might be the one behind the destruction that killed so many and not the guy who has done nothing but save lives?

The Punisher is the punisher cause he views those who get in his way as the enemy. Cop, burglar, Spidey. it's crazy, but it's consistent. The rooftop talk in DD was black and white. Put’em down so they don’t get up. Not if they only kill 20% it’s okay but 21% they gotta die.


Nov 5, 2015
No I got that.

But think about what you're saying. As long as the genocide is created by a human, he still won't cross the line but as an alien. It must be eradicated before hand.

So this cynical guy still has a code and reasoning. But can't reason that an alien sent a message threatening to destroy the earth might be the one behind the destruction that killed so many and not the guy who has done nothing but save lives?

The Punisher is the punisher cause he views those who get in his way as the enemy. Cop, burglar, Spidey. it's crazy, but it's consistent. The rooftop talk in DD was black and white. Put’em down so they don’t get up. Not if they only kill 20% it’s okay but 21% they gotta die.

Your right to degree but batman's sanity is only on the correct side because he doesnt kill or else he would be the joker.

But superman, to batman is like Harvey dent before corruption but this time the price tag is fate of the planet, joker and harley are not capable destruction to that extent which allows Bruce to "rightfully" try to kill superman

Its 100% void of holes no, but I thought Bruce's thought rationale was logically for him at that point of his life.


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
Your right to degree but batman's sanity is only on the correct side because he doesnt kill or else he would be the joker.

But superman, to batman is like Harvey dent before corruption but this time the price tag is fate of the planet, joker and harley are not capable destruction to that extent which allows Bruce to "rightfully" try to kill superman

Its 100% void of holes no, but I thought Bruce's thought rationale was logically for him at that point of his life.
This is nothing like Two-Face. That's someone's inner demons brought forth.

We literally have a dude(Zod) threatening a destroy a home(Earth) if you don't give him a hostage(Clark). Then that dude is seen at the crime scene( Metropolis) destroying and being stopped by the hostage but we are supposed to believe the police(Batman) are right to arrest the hostage cause he was at the crime scene, too?

Did Batman lose his detective skills with his sanity?

That's my larger problem with Snyder in general. He purposefully chooses these difficult routes then doesn't do the hard work it requires to get to the destination. The car breaks down and we're supposed to act like that's okay. Like you didn't have to make Superman snap a neck. He could have just ended up back in the Phantom Zone, but he chose that as his climax but didn't seed the movie with Clark dealing with taking a life or conflicted about what his alien heritage was or could be.


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
@Json Snyder is the one who cast Aquaman and Wonder Woman. He's as much of a reason to their success as anyone. :manny:
Did I say he didn’t? I said wider audiences responded better not under his direction.

You will never see many people bash his visuals. When he’s good he’s good.

Feels like there is some weird cult of personality around this dude. No matter how many times someone else comes along with a more cohesive vision for something he tried to adapt (Watchmen, Aquaman, WW) that people just can’t seem to wrap their heads around it’s his storytelling that needs work.
May 1, 2012
No matter how many times someone else comes along with a more cohesive vision for something he tried to adapt (Watchmen, Aquaman, WW) that people just can’t seem to wrap their heads around it’s his storytelling that needs work.

Go check the credits. Snyder has a story credit for Wonder Woman. :manny: Now you can log off...


Nov 5, 2015
This is nothing like Two-Face. That's someone's inner demons brought forth.

We literally have a dude(Zod) threatening a destroy a home(Earth) if you don't give him a hostage(Clark). Then that dude is seen at the crime scene( Metropolis) destroying and being stopped by the hostage but we are supposed to believe the police(Batman) are right to arrest the hostage cause he was at the crime scene, too?

Did Batman lose his detective skills with his sanity?

That's my larger problem with Snyder in general. He purposefully chooses these difficult routes then doesn't do the hard work it requires to get to the destination. The car breaks down and we're supposed to act like that's okay. Like you didn't have to make Superman snap a neck. He could have just ended up back in the Phantom Zone, but he chose that as his climax but didn't seed the movie with Clark dealing with taking a life or conflicted about what his alien heritage was or could be.

What batman saw was 2 aliens being fighting and destroying buildings with no problems. He seen 2 supermen, clark represents what clark is now, zod represents what clark could turn into, and if he does how would we stop him.

That was a huge criticism of superman was that too many casualties and infrastructure destroyed in his fights, the older superman would have try his best to fight while keeping human lost and infrastructure damage to a minimum.
This modern superman is ignorant to his destruction but he is new to being superman at least publicly.

What batman saw was casualties and infrastructure collapses when he fights and he killed zod, and as we know batman doesnt kill so you have to factor all that into his logic.


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
What batman saw was 2 aliens being fighting and destroying buildings with no problems. He seen 2 supermen, clark represents what clark is now, zod represents what clark could turn into, and if he does how would we stop him.

That was a huge criticism of superman was that too many casualties and infrastructure destroyed in his fights, the older superman would have try his best to fight while keeping human lost and infrastructure damage to a minimum.
This modern superman is ignorant to his destruction but he is new to being superman at least publicly.

What batman saw was casualties and infrastructure collapses when he fights and he killed zod, and as we know batman doesnt kill so you have to factor all that into his logic.

Sorry but no.

Zod took over every tv, radio, transmission in every language across Earth. And literally said, you have one of my people. He looks like you but isn't and I have no idea why he's there. Give him back or I will destroy you.

How does a guy who fights criminals who threaten people or ransom lives not get this?


Nov 5, 2015
Sorry but no.

Zod took over every tv, radio, transmission in every language across Earth. And literally said, you have one of my people. He looks like you but isn't and I have no idea why he's there. Give him back or I will destroy you.

How does a guy who fights criminals who threaten people or ransom lives not get this?

Your right but alfred allude towards exactly what you just said...when alfred brought up what turn a good man cruel, alfred saw what your seeing from your prospective but batman didnt see it

Watch this seen, alfred is telling us why he has changed an his judgement is clouded, he knows batman is lying, he know he's not looking for a dirty bomb

Even here he tries to explain superman is not the enemy but he's too far gone in his anger to turn back


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
Your right but alfred allude towards exactly what you just said...when alfred brought up what turn a good man cruel, alfred saw what your seeing from your prospective but batman didnt see it

Watch this seen, alfred is telling us why he has changed an his judgement is clouded, he knows batman is lying, he know he's not looking for a dirty bomb

We aren’t disagreeing.

im telling you Snyder has a problem with building story. If Batman has completely lost his way completely then the story would make sense.

He still has a code. Alfred is still trying to reason with him.

Compare that to Punisher and DD. Frank is lost. DD is trying to pull him back. They both believe they are right and the writers trust the audience to see each side.

The reason why Snyder tried to use the magic word Martha to break Batman’s insanity is because his logic makes no sense. He’s just wrong. There’s no way to spin someone being threatened as the threat.


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
I'm not ignoring it at all. This is a thread about the Snyder Cut and we gonna finally see it. If it's better than what Whedon put out then we will know :manny:

You are the one who brought up story credit on WW as if that points to what he contributed to the script. We see how much Whedon butchered his JL script but still got credit.

I mean low bar.

They might just both be middling for different reasons.

We’ll see.