Damn y’all going hard about this shyt.
To keep it simple, Justice League was a massive L for WB/DC.
I also don’t get the massive love for Snyder. People make it seem like dude is some critically acclaimed director.
Basically, Snyder had free reign on Man of Steel. WB wasn’t satisfied with the box office since they were coming off two Batman films doing a billion each.
They shoved Batman into what was going to be MOS2 and Snyder fukked that up.
The top execs wanted him gone right then but Justice League was going to start filming right after BVS came out so they decided not to replace him at the time.
While filming Justice League nobody could agree on anything so they brought in Whedon to help out since the execs didn’t like Snyder’s vision.
Snyder was let go before what happened with his daughter and Whedon only had like 6 months to salvage Justice League. The term “unwatchable” was used to refer to Snyder’s version.
Anyways with Black Panther still killing, it’s a strong possibility it makes more domestically than Justice League did worldwide.