Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
Cliffnotes on what he said? My only guess its a flop if you're competing with Marvel's movies this year or the rest of their own porfolio sure but Im going by the basic idea of making a profit
After I saw the 96 million debut in the US, I didnt think it would make 500 mil in 2 weeks yet thats why Im sort of looking at how it plays out after its first month.
This is the cliff notes of the other vid

And we have to be accurate... it wasnt $96M debut in the US... it was $93,842,239. Rounding it off to $94M is being overly generous. Anything above $94 is now trying to stretch the truth
At 2 weeks, every other comic book movie except maybe Logan was atleast as $650M or significantly more worldwide.
Inside of its "first month" Star Wars is about to drop in a few weeks and with Coco killing it now for the kids and then small little other movies that cats like you and me age range would see in The Disaster Artist about to drop, probably some dumb chick flick shyt for the ladies. The loss of even a few of those groups will hurt this badly in the next few days