Official 'JUSTICE LEAGUE' Thread


May 1, 2012
Welp, I went in expecting to be disappointed and I was :francis:. It didn't feel like a Snyder movie. It felt more like an episode of a Saturday morning cartoon, and a mediocre one at that. One of those episodes that you watch and forget. Steppenwolf was like the shytty villain of the week. It would have helped if they followed through on the Knightmare scene like they originally planned to do.

Stuff they supposedly cut was:
- Steppenwolf's mother being trapped in the mother boxes
- Bruce talking about his knightmare
- Cyborg's premonition about the knightmare world
- Superman's vision when Steppenwolf tries to persuade him to join him
- Darkseid appearing in Superman's vision and at the end on the other side of the boom tube
- The League seeing Darkseid through the boom tube.
- Darkseid killing Steppenwolf at the end when he goes through the boom tube.

^ These things would have fleshed out Steppenwolf and his motives better. It would also have some added weight to the events that occured in this movie. To me, it felt like nothing important happened. Those deleted scenes would have helped the movie feel more like a stepping stone for events to come. I think that that's what these ensemble superhero movies should do for their universes. I left the theater feeling like you could just skip this movie and not miss much with respect to the DCEU. Say what you want about Snyder, but the man had a vision and had future events mapped out.

So far, my enjoyment of the moves has been MoS > BvS > WW > JL > SS. I enjoy Wan's movies so I have my hopes up for Aquaman. Hopefully WB doesn't fukk with the final cut.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012


I was pleased, very please. It was EXACTLY like Super Friends growing up. The movie worked because the Chemistry with the team was flawless. Ben did a great job man. He really is a seasoned Batman. He showed Bruce's vulnerabilities very well. Gal is Wonder Woman. She really has already grown into this role. Sorry but the Cyborg hate was unwarranted. I though Ray Fisher did really good in the role. Yes Erza stole the movie with his personality. They better fast track a Solo Flash Movie. Kid was good. I was unsure if I would like this Auqaman but I did, something about his rough and tough act that really worked. As for Supes, I loved his resurrection and when he faught the whole team. He gave EVERYONE that work. I'm trying to understand the Steeponwolf hate too? Was he not Hard Body? Did he not body Everyone including the Amazon's and Auqa's fam? I love that he took on even Supes, Auqa and Wonder Woman with their God-like Powers. I thought he was menacing and gave everyone problems the whole way. As for the CGI, he looked like any typical CGI villain, it wasn't distracting to me neither was Cyborg's. LOL @ Joe Mortan, every time I see him I think of T2 and the Bomb, lol.

The ending made sense with his own army turning on him because of how ruthless he was. I thought this was the best paced Zack Comic Film of his career. He kept it moving very nicely. Now I could diffidently see what Joss did and honestly I thought his touches worked. Basically all that humor was Joss, some of the one-liners were a little corny (LOL @ Thirsty) but others lighten everything up. Sorry but this was better than the last Avengers film (Ultron) and almost as good as the 1st, IMO. It's amazing how they connected Batman's world (Alfred/Gordan), Supes world (Louis/Martha), Diana's World (Amazons) and Auqu's world (Atlantis) and it all flowed perfectly together. I left the theater like a little kid, I couldn't believe they got all their personalities. That was the Justice League for real. The sequel should be fast tracked for 2020. My only criticism is though the pacing was good, it dragged a little in the beginning when they were trying to put the team together. Also I wanted more Supes but I understand the point to the story was that he was dead. Critics were way wrong on this. Now as always I give my box office Analysis:

Total Lifetime Grosses
Domestic: $96,000,000 34.1%
+ Foreign: $185,500,000 65.9%
= Worldwide: $281,500,000

Surprising numbers Definitely coming in under 100 Million, Remember this is still November and most of the time only Hunger Games and Twilight movies do huge numbers this month. Before Thor 3, both Dr. Strange and Thor 2 opening in Nov to about 80-85 Million. I felt it could of matched Thor 3 but this is the Lowest OW for the DCEU that' s unfortunate but in fairness, "BatsVSupes" did ware the novelty of them being together on the screen. Notice that movie opened to 166 Million OW in March (And people were hating then saying that was bad, lol) It had a 81 Million OD but I don't think the film is the reason why. Also they were coming off WW amazing success, looks like it did about what WW did OW just 7 million short. There were other exterior factors including Thor 3 spiting the audience (Same Demographics) and the Independent film "Wonder" Breaking out. Also the Holidays are coming up so people finances are more tied to that. Thor did not have direct competition from a major comic film. With Thanksgiving, that should help it's legs.

I also believe RT did keep people on the fence so sadly these fanboy critics did effect the opening weekend. I don't think DC should be disappointed, they pulled off something that fans have been 30 years for doing this film. But they have to be smart wit their next releases. Again Solo Flash movie, Supes 2 needs to also be on the table. Of Course WW 2 and again Justice League Sequel. This movie made me appreciate "BatsVSupes" because that was really "Justice League" prequel. This was the sequel. Also "Suicide Squad" feels like a Spin Off now where as "Man of Steel, BatsVSupes, WW and JL" all fit perfectly together. Both After Credits Scenes were dope and set up future sequels really well. This 80's baby is very happy with the final film. LOL @ Luther's League. Anyways. Hopefully Justice League 2 for 2020.


Great review. A good unbiased outlook of the film where other critics and posters going off of the Marvel hype.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
But at least black widow has sex appeal.

Like I said before pairing Batman with superman sounds good on paper but in a live action movie.. :mjpls:

Plus his suit is basically a glorified costume. Which is probably why Marvel decided to give his suit new tech. Batman is basically a dial up internet super hero in a digital cinematic universe.
Dude had to get lex information to get the team (Justice League):scust:

:mjgrin:Wtf your Batman. Lex basically Scout the League for you


May 2, 2012
it looks like cyborg was supposed to be the heart of this movie. his character was originally vital to the plot, even though whedon cut most of his screentime
I wish they would have used GL instead of Cyborg. I don't understand the appeal of the character. I guess he was more for the newer generation DC fans.
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May 1, 2012
PG - Maryland
Saw this again with the hubby last night, and....I think tone wise, this movie is actually better than Thor 3. I also think DC really fukked up the unveiling of this universe because if they had executed it slow and carefully the way Marvel did, I'd probably be team DC. I'm just more drawn to these characters, and the tone Snyder was going for. I see what his vision was, it just wasn't realized, but if it had been, it would have been so fukking amazing.

The opening credits of JL really sticks. I'm guessing that whole sequence, the way it was shot and the song choice was all Snyder.

What was his vision?

I refuse to believe that the same guy that made Watchmen made BVS

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
It's pretty clear where certain things were cut out that became more noticeable for me.

it's pretty clear for example that the scene where cyborg is dismantling the mother boxes that he was supposed to have so kind of vision because steppenwolf remarks to him about "now you see" afterwards

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
When supes asks bat do you bleed :banderas:

All day. Avengers was tv grade. It looked like cheap, the action was weak and the villain was worse than steppenwolf. It's bottom tier mcu. Not even top6.

Let’s not do this anymore man.....

It’s not worth taking shots at anything Marvel to elevate DC anymore man.....

Nov came and went and when the Coco drops in a few days that’s gonna be the final nail in the coffin.

Just let what’s going on over there be that and let this be this and let’s keep this all copacetic
