Official 'JUSTICE LEAGUE' Thread

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
They made more room for the breh Cyborg :myman:
No. They didn't. They cut almost all of his scenes as well.

But hey, they added an absolutely pointless sub plot about some unnamed Russian family.

I guess that was more important than us having back stories for the justice league members.


Jan 7, 2015
people still pushing the narative that zack got fired? His daughter commited suicide :hhh: what's wrong with you people. A movie is just a damn movie, you fan boys are making it seem zack should have stayed on and mourned when the filming was done fukking weirdos :scust:

EDIT: WB did it again with cutting important parts out of the movie :stopitslime: every goddamn time. Like other said WTF was the point in showing that russian family NONE. I didn't stay even for the end credit I was like fukk it, i'm out.
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Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
No. They didn't. They cut almost all of his scenes as well.

But hey, they added an absolutely pointless sub plot about some unnamed Russian family.

I guess that was more important than us having back stories for the justice league members.

I digress. Cyborg was very Central to the story... Obviously they cut some stuff out, but not enough that it felt like he was neglected, like Aquaman


Sep 18, 2015
So apparently Darkseid was in this before it got cut and redone:

"By now, it would have become clear that the version I saw had chunks different than the theatrical version. As I've said before that I saw the version that was done before the reshoots were added. Like I said, it wasn't shown to fans - only to WB Execs. Here were the differences.

LONGER: Began with Bruce recruiting Aquaman. It was basically the same scene as I saw in the theatrical version this weekend. However, some lines were added by Whedon and some Zack bits were cut. Aquaman was originally more resilient and shut-off to Bruce here.

DELETED: Barry Allen visits the library because he knows that Iris West is there. He tries to talk to her but fumbles and blushes. He mentions that "he might go and see his Dad today". Iris likes his awkwardness but doesn't think he's all that special. We see Barry breaking the window with his finger to kind-of impress Iris (our FIRST look at his powers). When everyone and Iris are surprised at this window breaking, Barry just says "weak glass" and walks out.

LONGER: History Lesson. But just by some bits. What I was most surprised by was that WB cut out dialogue by the Green Lantern, Zeus and even Ares (Yes, he was there too). They had a couple of lines each. As did Robin Wright and Hippolyta. They just kept the action in and clicked out all dialogue, I guess.

DELETED: After taking the Mother Box from Themiscyra, Steppenwolf actually "talks" to the Box. His mother, Heggra's essence is alive in the Mother Boxes and bringing them all together would unleash her powers - finally giving Steppenwolf an edge over his younger brother - Darkseid. That is what his plan was originally. I thought for sure that they would keep this scene in because they used a dialogue from this scene in the trailers - "No protectors here. No Lanterns. This world will fall. You will be free, mother."

DELETED - Cyborg's previous life. He plays a great football match that his MOTHER (Yes, she was cast as well) attends. Afterwards, they drive home. Victor is angry that his Dad never made it while his mother tries to console him. Victor just keeps getting angry and lashing out, loses control of the car - causing a fiery crash.

LONGER - The Gordon scene had a little setup that I didn't see in the theatrical version. Gordon dismisses a Junkie and tells him to "get better at life" before another cop comes to him with drawings of Parademons. His conversation with the League also ran longer. First, he asks Wonder Woman "if she's the same woman he keeps seeing reports of in London". Then, he asks Cyborg "how does he eat? Does he even need to?".

DELETED: After the attack on Atlantis, Aquaman consults with Mera and Vulko over what he should do next. Mera wants him to stay as King because she "doesn't trust Orm". Vulko wants him to do what his heart says. Aquaman confesses that he feels a responsinility to help the people on Earth.

DELETED: The League visits the Batcave. Alfred has humorous reactions to the League. Bruce Wayne talks about a "nightmare" he had. He believes that Steppenwolf will try and resurrect the power of Superman and "that they must do it first unless they want to fight an Evil Kryptonian too."

CHANGED: Superman's resurrection was ONLY possible because Cyborg detects foreign genetic material in his DNA a.k.a the Codex. This is the final confirmation needed that Superman can be brought back to life after all. Then, the revival happens pretty much the same.

DELETED: Deathstroke breaks Lex out of prison. They part ways because the cops are hot on their trail - deciding to meet up later at "the location they discussed".

DELETED: Kent Farm. Superman brings Lois here. however, he is still very confused and not knowing what's happening. Bystanders are looking at him and clicking his photos. This confuses him further and he actually tries to attack the civilians with his laser-eyes before Lois manages to calm him down. Superman tells her that "the voices won't shut up". Later, Martha shows up here and Clark and Lois are already inside the house. Clark is calmer now but still very confused - his powers are going haywire and his senses are heightened. Martha gives the "Picture the world as an Island. Follow my voice and come back to me" speech from MoS. It seems to calm him down. Later, Clark is wearing his shirt when he sees Pa Kent (Yes, Costner was here too) out in the fields. He goes out to see him. Pa Kent talks about "embracing who you really are". He tells Clark that "you have to make peace with who you are. You have the power to change the world and you can do that as anyone, good character or bad." Clark finally embraces Superman as a part of him when Lois walks out. Clark confirms their engagement, Lois breaks down because she wasn't strong enough. Then, Martha comes out too as Clark decides to help the League and flies off. That's how it happened in my version. I may have paraphrased some dialogue but that was basically it.

DELETED: Clark heads up to meet Alfred and get his suit.

DELETED: Steppenwolf's second conversation with Heggra. Now that he has all three Mother Boxes - her return to this world can begin.

CHANGED: Bruce's conversation with Diana after Superman returns. Diana comes in to pop Bruce's shoulder and tend to his injuries. Bruce reveals that he is willing to die to save the world. In fact, he says "he deserves to die because of what he's done. He's killed people and nothing, not even his hate for Superman can justify killing like that". Diana tells him that "he's changed now" but Bruce remains adamant that he can only atone himself by sacrificing his life.

CHANGED: Bruce's Batmobile is headed to certain death during the finale when Wonder Woman and Aquaman interfere and save his life. They tell him that dying in battle won't do anything and he must live to keep the fight going.

ALTERNATE ENDING WE WERE SHOWN: Cyborg tries to separate the Mother Boxes while Heggra keeps trying to talk him away. Furious, Steppenwolf grabs him and rips him apart - essentially killing him.

CHANGED: Superman joins the fight and teams up with the League to defeat Steppenwolf. However, at one point, Steppy tries to tempt Superman into joining his army and we see Darksied (for the first time) in Superman's vision and we see flashes of the Knightmare footage. However, Superman SNAPS back from it and delivers the final blow to Steppy, defeating him.

DELETED: Steppenwolf is killed by Darkseid on Apokolips. Darkseid intends to come to Earth to "meet the Kryptonian".

DELETED: Aquaman meets Mera off the village coast and agrees to come back. Barry steps into the library, Iris smiles at him cutely.

DELETED: Bruce and Barry place Victor's "body" in the Batcave. Bruce comments that "his organic tissue is dead but it may be possible to reignite his mechanical parts". Barry promises to help however he can.

DELETED: Lois introduces Perry White to "Clark Kent a.k.a Superman".
Oh my God.
The movies would have been a masterpiece. Very different from Marvel.
Like we need Apple & Microsoft, we also needed different studio directions for superheroes.
The Warner just fukk up. I hope the movie fail miserably and that they don't exceed 400 mil..


May 6, 2012
More scenes

Can't say i remember this ever happening to another film like this

Somebody behind the scenes is pissed to be doing this. The amount of leaks around this film is insane.

The scene of Flash saving iris shouldn't have been cut either.


Still FloW

Gawd Of Shinobi
Dec 5, 2012
Inside K. Michelle's Box

nikka shut up.

What im saying is that the "im going to conquer the world because im a bad guy" formula is overdone. I wish that the reasoning and motivation was a bit more complex. Thats all.

Maaaan shut your mouth , I’m telling you. There was NO NEED. ZERO for any more motivation . He wasn’t some mastermind. He was sent by Darkseid for ONE purpose only. Get the damn planet ready to be turned to fuel.

I understand what you mean but if it were Brainiac I’d agree with you, Steppenwolf has NEVER been a complex villain, he always has one goal, destroy. Simply put

You nikkas that know NOTHING of the characters love to complain

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
So what is so bad about him then?
There was no nuance to his BVS portrayal all we had was gruff with no backstory it just felt forced. This film was the exact opposite, now he's personsble, the butt of jokes, cracking jokes. If this were wrestling he was booked too weak. When Batman has been against metas that are too powerful we see his ingenuity and the master tactician at work. We see non of that here, when he asked Alfred to bring on the'nightcrowler' I was just like. :ld:Seemed like a cheap ploy to sell some toys but the way it was set up I am guessing we were suppose to be like fuk yeah. That is all this batman does, appears in a batwing or nightcrawler to fuk shyt up. But we never see deductive reasoning or any smarts because its all smash mouf...And as I alluded to before they didn't even protect him by making him look strong as a leader, fighter, strategist, negotiator, anything. Did Ben seem like a loner to you? That comment "he's more human than me" rang so hollow.
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Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
There was no nuance to his BVS portrayal all we had was gruff with no backstory it just felt forced. This film was the exact opposite, now he's personsble, the butt of jokes, cracking jokes. If this were wrestling he was booked too weak. When Batman has been against metas that are too powerful we see his ingenuity and the master tactician at work. We see non of that here, when he asked Alfred to bring on the'nightcrowler' I was just like. :ld:Seemed like a cheap ploy to sell some toys but the way it was set up I am guessing we were suppose to be like fuk yeah. That is all this batman does, appears in a batwing or nightcrawler to fuk shyt up. But we never see deductive reasoning or any smarts because its all smash mouf...And as I alluded to before they didn't even protect him by making him look strong as a leader, fighter, strategies, negotiator, anything. Did Ben seem like a loner to you? That comment "he's more human than me" rang so hollow.

I just think people like you just read into shyt shyt too much. You sound like so much fun to go to the movies with :comeon: