Bruce LeRoy
All Star
I can definitely see how this was inspired by The Departed and as a crime thriller it mostly works but the movie is lacking in character development and as a result the historic aspect of the film comes off as a quick run through of the events that led to Fred Hamptons assassination. It doesn't matter what the writers/directors intents were when you make a film depicting real historic events folks are going to have certain expectations about it and rightfully so... especially when these stories are rarely done right.
Outside of that acting in this film was top notch.. Kaluuya is solid, but I couldn't understand what he was saying at times. Jesse Plemons was the big surprise for me tho the scenes with him and Stanfield were some of the best in the movie.
Outside of that acting in this film was top notch.. Kaluuya is solid, but I couldn't understand what he was saying at times. Jesse Plemons was the big surprise for me tho the scenes with him and Stanfield were some of the best in the movie.