i definitely think he recovered. whole point to me is that hes considered a hero for killing the pimps, when if he had succeeded in killing palantine he wouldve been considered a monster by society.riddle me this
did Travis die at the end or did he actually recover in Taxi Driver?![]()
I don't know shyt about Superhero's besides there name and the movies I watched, but man that was one of the best individual best acting I've seen in my life.
joaquin phoenix should win all the awards![]()
That's an important part. The Joker has fun with his antics, and Jack captured that more than the rest.
When Tim Burton brought his version of Gotham to the big screen, one could only imagine the many bizarre and overly-elaborate character designs that could have made it to the big screen. Yet, Nicholson’s take on the character was, by many accounts, the most true and defining take on the character. Jack brought out the deep, dark, raw emotion, and made that the focus, which, for a character dressed in bright purple, orange, and green, is a huge accomplishment. And while it’s hard to find any quotes or evidence that point toward Nicholson’s source material for his take on The Joker, we can use deduction to guess that Jack’s take on The Joker was probably influenced by a mixing of the Golden Age and Bronze Age. Jack made his Joker feel more like the thuggish character from the Golden Age, but also threw in the dark and overly dramatic elements from the Bronze Age to balance him out. If you were to tell The Killing Joke in the Golden Age Detective Comics, you might see something close to Jack’s version. All in all, Jack Nicholson remains a favorite for many Batman purists.
Heath will always be my favorite live-action Joker, but Joaquin absolutely killed it. Nothing was really too disturbing to me though.
That was the best score I've heard in a very, very long time.
Also, I noticed the thing about all the black women he interacted with too. Hell of a coincidence if it wasn't intentional.
Great movie. My bad, great cinema![]()
meh, if i saw these 2 Jokers walking towards me on the street...
Joaquin held his own but he ain't fukkin' with the GOAT...
overall a good movie. definitely an excellent performance from joaquin and the acting in general was really good, score was great. dark knight still the GOAT though
I had to see this again yesterday
There were a few details I missed the first go around seeing it, and it lended more credence to some theories I had. Something I noticed in the flashback sequence when his mom is being questioned about the abuse of Arthur as a kid, the guy conducting the interview led off with “Riddle me this”, a very clear nod to the Riddler.
I had mentioned in here how Arthur killed all of his parental figures, and I noticed on rewatch yesterday his coworker who lied on his name about giving him the gun referred to him as “my boy”, giving that further credence.
I’m buying more into the idea that the whole movie was a delusion made up by Arthur while being interviewed in Arkham, and lowkey its part of why I don’t necessarily want a sequel or a follow up film of some effect. Part of the genius in this movie (to me) is in the unreliable narrator element and how it blurs the lines between what happened and what was imagined, getting any sort of sequel that ties into that creates a linear path where things either DID or DIDN'T happen, and I’d kinda prefer if they didn’t go that route. Takes away some of the magic of this movie
Diff stages of life though, Joaquin has barely started