Official John Wick: Chapter 2 Thread


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Lol. Prolly bruh. But everything looked to be in place. Lots of blood just edited cursing.

I caught the gist. I think.

breh....seeing john wick edited in any way shape or fashion is


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
I saw it today and I feel conflicted about the movie. Mostly because it feels like it falls into all the sequel traps even though for a big part it also doesn't.

For instance, the first fifteen minutes or so is shameless rehashing of the first one. Yeah, there's a big action sequence involving more hand-to-hand combat, car-to-car combat and car-to-person combat than in the first one, but it adds nothing to the myth of John Wick, it only repeats itself for fan service. When the actual story starts to take off (and it really does take a while), the myth and world building picks up tremendously again with a lot of intriguing aspects, most notably The Marker (no further spoilers about that one). There's also a shopping montage which might be the greatest shopping montage of all time, if only because Wick now possesses Batman body armor (you know, the thin cloth fabric kind that somehow stops bullets) and can take a lot more punishment.

I think here another problem arises. While the gun action in this movie is still far better than most action movies ever put out, it's also pretty much the first movie overdosing on itself with constant punches to grapple throws to headshots as fifty to sixty guys get executed. The change of pace and diversity of the opening action sequence is almost gone, safe for the few moments when Wick finds himself fighting other Wicks just like him, but even that can't save the movie's action from outstaying its welcome by the time the story hits its third act and we're watching Wick skull fukk another thirty guys with bullets. Some of the magic is lost in repetitiveness, especially because the movie practically opens with the promise of more.

But in the end it's simple. If you liked/loved the first one,you'll like/love this one as well. The world building is one of the highlights again and once again the locations used are very good. One thing you can't fault these movies are their unique atmosphere, and with a third chapter being inevitable, it will be interesting to see how they plan to keep this franchise fresh.