- I like The Mauler Twins they seemed kind of dumb but other than being genius's there is a level integrity with them. When they broke out of their prison they apologized to the guard before assaulting him and even with Robot while initially being grossed out by his appearance they came to be honest and professional and even sympathize with him.
Oh yeah, this reminds me of something else I thought of while watching the show. Robot's real form is:
Basically Quato

I watched that episode again last night and Red Rush was doing the right thing at first, staying on the outside and keeping Omni man from being able to tag anybody. He should have kept doing that.
Eventually Omni Man would have been able to catch up with him but more than likely someone would have been on his bumper bashing him on the head before he could take Red Rush out
Problem is, Omniman's hands are almost as fast as his.
I'm thinking Red Rush should have punched him in the back of the head repeatedly to avoid getting near his hands...instead of running in a circle.