Official Hateful Eight Thread


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
I watched last night and I was fully engaged. This movie is great, with excellent dialog and characters. He's one of the few writers/directors that can do a 4 hours movie with mostly dialog and have it compelling. It's an Agatha Christie spaghetti western.

Whatever y'all problems are with QT and his use of the ninja, I just find hilarious. I find it ironic how a Quentin flick provokes far more conversation than let's say a Spike Lee joint. Things that make you go hmmmm.


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
Once again QT's 'N!gger Fetish" continues, lol. One thing I will give him here and in "Django" was atleast they are period pieces. Unlike "Pulp" and other films. I was mixed on "Django" Espeically with him not letting Django kill Candy and having Sam "Another Black Man" be the final person he kills, lol. Sam made that movie though and you know what, he made this movie too. He completely outshinned EVERYONE in this flick. But it was a good cast even though Channing kinda just popped up out of nowhwere, lol. I was unsure about this one because I was like "Another Western QT, really?"

"Hateful Eight" was clearly the western he wanted to make. For a 3 hour movie I thought he did well with the pacing. He's back on his "Chapters" so I think that helps as you know the movie is moving along. I think it only dragged in the lead up to getting to the cabin. Once they were in the cabin it was a masterclass in film dialogue. I think QT is most definitely an amazing writer. But he's lazy with the "N!gger" talk. It's not nessessary to have character say it every other word. The whole damn room was calling Sam a "N!gger". I understood the confederate general but again the whole room. I get it, it's post civil war but he's a better writer than that. I can't give him a pass for his constant scene biting as a director and homages, so I'm definitely not giving pass with his history. So Yes he overdid with "N!gger", he really can't help himself. Look at this chart:


It's basically a "Who did it" Mystery Western. He tells the story in order outside one chapter. I have no interest to see it again but I can't front, I was engaged. The Sam story had to be a lie. I think he was just messing with the general because he didn't trust him as well. I thought the movie was shot very well. Overall not one of his best but again I was entertained. Honestly though, Sam made the movie. He brought the tension and had the best dialouge. One thing I did like was how every second in the cabin you felt all hell was about to break loose but it didn't until certain times. Jennifer played a hell of a role, she was litterally abused the whole film. I have my issues with QT but I'll always give him a spin. I just don't give him passes just cause he's QT.