I almost NEVER agree when people say "turn your brain off" when you watch a movie...but this is probably the first time when it's true for me.
Because if you put some thought into any of the plot points, it really doesn't make any sense at all.
-Why does "Apex" have their own personal secret "Hyperloop" system that connects Pensacola Florida with Hong Kong underground with what looks like alien or far future technology?
-How does Apex have control of an entire "Fleet" including a fully-armed aircraft carrier with mutiple F-35 planes and multiple other warships? Is the US Navy involved with this plan, or does Apex own all this stuff themselves?
-If Apex's magical "HEAVY" ships are fully capable of flying into and out of the "Hollow Earth" on their own, what exactly did they need Kong for anyway?
-The Apex base was at Antarctica, yet Godzilla's burned a hole straight down from Hong Kong all the way to King Kong's castle. Does that mean that Kong's castle was located directly under Hong Kong...or that it was located at the exact center of the Earth? EITHER one of this ideas it totally crazy. So, either Kong (without any kind of vehicle) moved so fast that he "hopped" thousands of miles nonstop from Antarctica to China, OR Godzilla's breath is to strong it blasted a hole 4000 miles deep instantaneously.
-If its so hard to "fall" into the Hollow Earth, how is it so much easier to just fly right out of it? Shouldn't it be harder to go up than down?
-OK, I understand that the "computer" that controlled Mechagodzilla was based on Monster Zero's brain. But who build the actual "robot" body, and how is it powerful enough to fight Godzilla?
-Apex said they were looking for a "power source". Yet somehow they got Mechagodzilla working just by transferring INFORMATION from the Hollow Earth. How does that work again??
I'm actually going to forgive most of that stuff because I thought the movie was really entertaining for the monster fights, but there's nobody out there that can honestly say they understand this movie. I don't think the writers themselves understand this movie, they were just like "OK, let's get the monkey and the dino together in an Asian city so they can beat on each other!! If we set it in China instead of Tokyo we'll make a lot of money on Chinese ticket sales!"