Kong is gonna put hands on Zilla, the reach and speed will negate all that nuclear shyt
Kong gonna roll up on Godzilla like Shonuff did Leroy in the last dragon.Listen paws will be PUT ! You can’t talk all that slick shyt that Godzilla been doing thinking he’s a alpha . Movie called Godzilla vs Kong better be a comeuppance
Kong training on skull island on some
The more I think about the mixed reviews for this movie regarding the human parts the more I'm
If you went to see a Godzilla movie for the acting - you lost already.
Seriously - if you're on the screen in this flick and you're not 200ft tall and CGI - your job is to explain stuff.
Basically humans have three settings in this movie.
Some skip 1 and go straight to 2 before going swiftly to 3. Some are just there to be 3. Some get to just be 1 and then 3. Some stay at 2 for the whole movie. The stars to get go 1,2,1,2,1,2 for the duration. Only the monsters are allowed to go from 3 to 4. 4 is
I say all that to say this: Watching this film for the acting is like watching 'Fast & Furious' for the walking scenes.
She just is breh. Ain't no secret something. She's just sexySomething bout Vera Farmiga is sexy as fu*ck to me
Mothra babies put an ass whoppin on Godzillabrehs need to go back and watch them old godzilla movies. he/she used to take L's then come back from the L's
Kong ain’t done growing. The directors gone exaggerate his size for the movie so they’ll matchup betterGodzilla is 400 feet tall
The tallest they ever made Kong was 100 ft
How are they going to pull this off without some fukkery
& if Kong wins
When Kong Double Leg shoot Godzillawhy yall talking bout Kong like he was full grown in skull island my nicca prolly learned bjj by now