Long rant because I'm a big GB fan.....the studios didn't respect or even try to honor the original license, but instead of using logic, they fed into some SJW BS which could have given them Transformers, TMNT, or Jurassic Park numbers. Outside of comics, GBs didn't have a media presence since Extreme Ghostbusters back in 97 and before that, it was only 4 years after RGB went off the air. At least with the other franchises, they were somewhat on the radar of the target audience for studios (ie Millenials, Gen-X'ers, and Homeland Babies (born after 2000). GB never had that benefit to be honest....
Film was trash, through and through....
Toilet humor and slapstick style of comedy doesn't work with this type of property and that isn't really a dig at the actresses, but the writing, music, and SFX were dogshyt.
Written for the ADHD crowd, the pacing was awful and contradicted itself a few number of times, the largest where their equipment can contain ghosts, then in the finale it is vaporizing them without explanation (and no, it wasn't total protonic reversal
The chemistry was non-existent between the leads whereas the original team had a genuine camaraderie on film and even the cartoon due to the writers having the understanding of the characters and their universe (though I will concede the last few seasons fell off due to ABC's meddling). That wasn't the case here, flat, lifeless, and dull. Even Neighbors 2 has more bite than this flick and I thought Neighbors 2 was an absolutely ridiculous premise.....
Now, adding onto the controversy and SJW slant they put on this, I hope it fails and it looks as it will as it only made $65 Mil worldwide and is going to drop to half next week once Trek 3 comes out.
Extreme Ghostbusters consisted of a Black guy, Goth Bi-Chick, Spanish Dude, and a man in a wheelchair, and was infinitely greater than this reboot. That is the trick with reasonable writing, you can sub in any character and still make it work, they didn't in this case and it was trash. ie, Robocop 2014,GI Joe...
Film was trash, through and through....
Toilet humor and slapstick style of comedy doesn't work with this type of property and that isn't really a dig at the actresses, but the writing, music, and SFX were dogshyt.
Written for the ADHD crowd, the pacing was awful and contradicted itself a few number of times, the largest where their equipment can contain ghosts, then in the finale it is vaporizing them without explanation (and no, it wasn't total protonic reversal

Now, adding onto the controversy and SJW slant they put on this, I hope it fails and it looks as it will as it only made $65 Mil worldwide and is going to drop to half next week once Trek 3 comes out.
Extreme Ghostbusters consisted of a Black guy, Goth Bi-Chick, Spanish Dude, and a man in a wheelchair, and was infinitely greater than this reboot. That is the trick with reasonable writing, you can sub in any character and still make it work, they didn't in this case and it was trash. ie, Robocop 2014,GI Joe...