T'Challa Trillmonger
All Star
... winter is coming
I watched the inside the thrones HBO does with the show runners after each episode and the writers are making it seem like dany is going to be pissed that aegon is the heir to the iron throne
Viserys admired rhaegar so much that he went outta his way to look like him. I'm speaking on their hair not that other shyt yall on
why'd rhaegar have to look almost exactly like viserys
show was Barristan
The White Walkers have never been shyt breh. I am not sure whether its the fault of the writing or what but you just never gave a fukk about them in the past. Whenever they turned up for an odd scene here and there in the past seasons, I have always been like yeah cool whatever, so whats Baelish plotting now?
Your telling me you were really thinking about what the white walkers will do next or what they were upto when all the crazy shyt was happening between the human characters on the show in the past? Come on bruh
Now all of sudden everything is about the white walkers and I am supposed to care about them? Why? The build up to their arrival has been shyt and seems forced as a result
Didnt Samwell Tarly kill one of them things? Sorry but I just dont buy them as a threat. The night king wasnt shyt before he killed a dragon. FACT.
Can we all admit that Tyrion has been an irrelevant sack of shyt for a long ass time? lol
I havent read the book so can those who have confirm whether or not his character takes a back seat in the books as it progresses too?
As someone who is rewatching the show again (on season 4) I can honestly say that he used to be the heart of the show with Jon Snow not too far behind.
And now? lol I dont give a flying fuk what happens to him.
Same way they tried to make it seem Sansa vs Jon would happen. Jon hasn't seen Sansa since episode one. All season 7 it's about Jon/Dany coming together. Fire and Ice. To tear that down would be a #wasteoftime2017.
its Ser Barristan
and he went out like a G though
I can't be the only one who thought that was Viserys playing Rhaegar in that flashback
I think he's referring to the slight hint of maybe a power struggle over the throne once Jon came back. You give someone a taste of power and they don't want to give it back. And the way she reacted to finding out Jon joined with deanrys.I slept hard on that cuz I don't ever remember them making it seem Jon and Sansa would happen. You talkin bout the books or in the show?
Yo this dudes opinion is terrible. He the type that thinks he is giving constructive criticism lol.
The White Walkers have never been shyt breh. I am not sure whether its the fault of the writing or what but you just never gave a fukk about them in the past. Whenever they turned up for an odd scene here and there in the past seasons, I have always been like yeah cool whatever, so whats Baelish plotting now?
Your telling me you were really thinking about what the white walkers will do next or what they were upto when all the crazy shyt was happening between the human characters on the show in the past? Come on bruh
Now all of sudden everything is about the white walkers and I am supposed to care about them? Why? The build up to their arrival has been shyt and seems forced as a result
Didnt Samwell Tarly kill one of them things? Sorry but I just dont buy them as a threat. The night king wasnt shyt before he killed a dragon. FACT.